On the way home I witness an act of stupidity and plain ignorance that amazed me.
I was driving along and an old bloke came past with a brand new tinnie on a trailer with no motor. He had obviously just picked it up as the webbing tie down strap was far too long and the end had come loose and was trailing the boat trailer.
Behind him was another bloke in a Mitsubishi Triton 4wd ute. My wife noticed that the ute was trying to run over the webbing from the tie down.
This was not a good idea as the strength of the webbing plus the 4wd could have done some damage to the old guys new boat. The idiot in the ute must have though it was funny.
We were behind them in the other lane but managed to catch up and warn the old bloke of the problem. He stopped on the road and at the next lights the idiot passed us as he turned left and gave up the one finger salute.
I would have loved the police to be nearby.
What sort of mentality do these people have to cause others grief for their own pleasure. I'm afraid Brissy isn't what it used to be.