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Idiot of the week - Page 2
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Thread: Idiot of the week

  1. #16

    Re: Idiot of the week

    ... Here's a question for those that drive a motorbike. If you are travelling in the right hand lane of the freeway on your bike and someone tailgates you in a car that much they give you the irrates, what would you do?

    its against the rules to travel in the right hand lane on the freeway unless overtaking ..>>>
    "whats the time"

  2. #17

    Re: Idiot of the week

    Quote Originally Posted by snappa
    ... Here's a question for those that drive a motorbike. If you are travelling in the right hand lane of the freeway on your bike and someone tailgates you in a car that much they give you the irrates, what would you do?

    its against the rules to travel in the right hand lane on the freeway unless overtaking ..>>>
    Aaah, but what if you ( the bike rider) also are passing a vehicle
    And there always the safe distance for following vehicles

    Do the second link and go to page 72

    If anyone is not passing-get over to the left
    I'm not defending ALL bike riders as some are just an accident waiting to happen. But a lot cop heaps from other motorists just because they ride bikes.
    Patience and courtesy are virtues that only a few exhibit nowadays.
    Still the cranky old bugger

  3. #18

    Re: Idiot of the week

    To the Cranky 'ol buggar,

    Just as an effort to bring you back to neutral ground ( yes I know it's hard, but go back to the night of the 15th March when this actually happened) the Motorbike WAS NOT actually overtaking anyone, he was just happy to be doing approx the speed limit, but the person behind him wanted to get past.

    I know we all like to think that we live in a perfect world and everyone applies the 3 second rule, but guess what dude, it does not always happen, as on this night. So is this particular rider going to ride the rest of his days always believing he is surrounded by perfect, angelic motorists driving with common sense? If so, his days are numbered, so who is the real idiot? I'd suggest it's the one who lives the shortest


  4. #19
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Idiot of the week


    Ive gotta agree with pinhead, your mate is a first class d head and has no due consideration to other road users if does this.
    I bet your mate never rushes up the inside and outside of traffic when going slow or for that matter barges between cars clipping mirrors. No of course not.

  5. #20
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Idiot of the week

    Oh well, Here we go again.
    All you perfect road users who have never tailgated or had a touch of road rage! Almost angelic with your protestations and outrage. You'll put me off my lunch!!

  6. #21

    Re: Idiot of the week

    Talking about motor bike riders, I just witnessed a real full moon victim, Guy on a trail bike comes off round about going down hill and pops a big mono right passed a cop car waiting to turn out of car park ….needless to say the coppers had something to do for there rest of the arvo… …bloody idiot.

  7. #22

    Re: Idiot of the week

    yep, your right chong. Idiot

  8. #23

    Re: Idiot of the week

    I see stuff like this every day. I do about 800-900 k's a week getting to and from work and what not. Most of these k's are highway driving. Yes you should leave a gap of 3 seconds between yourself and the car infront of you, but the amount of people i see sitting in the right hand lane not passing a vehicle or travelling well below the speed limit is ludacris. I'm not saying im the perfect driver but i am saying that this would have to cause 90 % of road rage on highways. It's simple you should not be in the right hand lane unless overtaking or avoiding a hazard. But saying that i am totally over getting angry on the roads. When it comes down to it, you have to ask yourself how much quicker is it going to get you to your destination just by passing 1 car, or doing 10 k's over the limit, or tail gating the bloke in front of you because hes going 5 k's under the limit, and is it worth risking a fine, the stress, anger and maybe your life?

    end rant/

  9. #24
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Idiot of the week

    DO what you always do when someone tailgates, just take the foot of the pedal and slow down gently until they either get the hint, or your doing 20kph, the safe distance for someone to be 4 foot of your rear end!

  10. #25
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: Idiot of the week

    Quote Originally Posted by slugo
    [quote author=Dug link=1142421122/0#8 date=1142504312]

    You never want to work in a casualty ward on full moon nights.
    that is 100% correct Dug I have good mates that are ambos and their work load increases every time there is a full moon from idiots doing stupid things[/quote]

    Same with (beat) coppers.

  11. #26
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: Idiot of the week

    Some good posts here regarding bikes and cars. Both Mrs. Wetaline and myself ride (for fun) and we drive cars. Until recently Mrs. Wetaline was driving a CV8 Monaro. We neither love nor hate car drivers, as do we neither love nor hate bike riders.

    However we have a rule when we get on our bikes, "Riding is a calculated risk". Push the rule and you push your luck.
    Cars will win every time in a bike vs car, tree, road, fence, cliff, other (pick one) scenario.

    The fastest way to end a promising recreational fishing career is to ride irresponsibly.
    You can tell St. Peter, the Grim Reaper and the attending mortician, that you were in the right at the time of the accident, but the cold (pun intended) fact is, you wont be tying a hook on again for a very long time if you ride irresponsibly. Even good riders get killed or maimed on our roads (refer to rule one).

    There are idiots on both side of this equation.
    When out riding if I'm tempted to "give it a fistful" I pause and think, "What if the front tyre blew right now", that soon sobers my thinking up.
    I'm not trying to look like "Mr. Perfect" here; it's just that any accident on a bike hurts. Be it the body or the hip pocket nerve.

    We both stopped riding with a nationally recognised bike club because a number of members at our local branch hadn't grown up, despite it being an over fifties club.

    As some of the members above have alluded, it's best to stress less, live longer and be happy.

    BTW This has always had me thinking. On a multi lane highway you are only supposed to use the right hand lane to overtake. If everyone is doing the legal limit then should they not all be in the left hand lane, therefore making the right hand lane redundant? Is it wise to insist that all the cars on the road then form a single line of traffic, thus increasing the chances of multiple end to end freeway style accident?
    Just a thought.

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