Anyone got any stories of their dumb fishing mates. I've got 1 about a brand new Whittley, a large cuttlefish & a cabin full of ink!!
Can you do better?? Let's hear them.
Anyone got any stories of their dumb fishing mates. I've got 1 about a brand new Whittley, a large cuttlefish & a cabin full of ink!!
Can you do better?? Let's hear them.
heres a couple to start ya off coxy
1. had a greenhorn on board the old sharkcat,,, we decided to throw in a few witches hats in the passage before heading out the the shipping channels,,, his idea was to gently DROP them between the motors,,,,, we didnt make it to the channel (sorry nick)
2. couple years back whilst taking a week off,, a group of us hired a houseboat with a runabout tied behind,,a newcomer to the clan wanted to make a bit of extra room for himself to fish from so he untied the runabout and pulled it further up the side of the houseboat towards the bow,,,,,,,next minute the runaboat goes drifting by with the mooring rope floating behind,,,when asked how or what did he tie it off to his reply was,, whatta mean tie it off???????
i ended up with stiches to leg wound after rescueing said runabout,,, but thats another story (sorry george)
can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Some years back had a mate who also owned a 18 ft Whittley outboard version, anyway it was back when logging was still happening on fraser is and he worked in the industry on the island. So this day instead of going by barge or plane he decided to go over in his boat,when he arrived at the island he tied the boat to the jetty at south white cliffs, went ashore for five hours or so and when he arrrived back the boat was gone, on closer look it was still there onlyit was 30 ft down on the bottom. HE had arrived at low tide and tied up short and when the tide came in down she went. He did refloat the boat the next day. Same fella on another day had his wife and kids out fishing for whiting, at the end of the day after cleaning his catch he had about 3 kg of large fillets that he put in one of those plastic garden sives and sat it on top of the outboard to drain, crew on a boat next to him called out to ask how they went, he and and the family all went one side to say it was the best catch of whiting they hadever caught only to look around and see the sive slip off the motor and disappear. Bob
Do you live near Ballina coxy? I have also heard of a bloke pulling a large cuttle into a brand new boat, LMAO.
No onerabbit,
It happened off the Goldie (GC) when we followed another boat out because we had no reliable GPS marks.
Gee it was a big cuttle & he lifted it aboard asking if they OK to eat & then he started hitting it with a club to pacify it. Man what a mistake that was. It took us hours (I'm not kidding - hours) to scrub & clean that gunk out of the cockpit & I reckon it's still stuck there today.
Nice way to christen the boat though.
In that case , they must be relatives, definitely a different occasion, bet they dont do that again, the ink stain would be a constant reminder.
Seen more than one fisherman get excited when they see a nice size squid on the end of the line and in the hurry to get it in the boat end up with a black face. Takes some getting out of the skin also. Bob.
Let me tell you all about a man now knowen as hooky robertson . 1 weekend , 2 men fishing , 2 x 50 pack of hooks in trees, on rocks and left on the bank of the riverAt least we took an esky full home after that effort though
mutton birdin on an island, deckie not feeling well, he said he would go back and keep an eye on the boat (falling tide) to save me checking it.
finished birdin and walk back to boat.
found the boat high and dry (water about 20 foot away) and the deckie curled up asleep on the beach.
a long wait for the tide as it was left high and dry at the top of the tide.
often reminmd him of it
Friend in 15 foot tinny
pulls in crab pot and huge mud crab falls into bottom of the boat
after much struggling and four stitches later, revenge was struck in the form of a mild chilli sauce![]()
same friend fishing with his brother, leans on outboard to push it back into position much to brothers horror he slips over the back and into the water.
when he comes up with his sunnies still on ....... without skipping a beat he says
"We have to move there aint no fish here.... i just looked"
i try not to go fishing too often with him......
he might break something
It must be something to do with mud crabs but they can be an ornery beast.
We were up the creeks and had pulled a couple of good bucks. Through them in a 20 L bucket and were heading off to the next pot.
The next thing I know there's something rubbing on my foot and there he is (king pinchy) claws pointing up fair at the family jewels. I jumped on the seat the boat finished up in the mangroves.
I turned to the old boy with me and I said, " how the hell did he get out of the bucket and his reply was he "wanted to keep them fresh" so he filled the bucket with water.
The moral of the story is that I don't thinkl father in laws appreciate what you do to their daughters and any means of stopping it will do!
What other people think about me is not my business: Michael J Fox.
I took my 14 yr old cousin out one spring to troll for rainbow trout, he had never fished befor.
It was not long when i hooked up and after a few minutes of tailwalks and mad thrashing the 8lb fish was worn out so i asked him to get the net ready, not thinking he let go of his rod I failed to see that he had not put it in the rod holder. Next thing i see is his rod bent over and then flipped out of the tinny befor i could say boo.
After netting my fish which he did do a good job at I marked the aprox spot with a float and 45 ft of line attached to a large sinker.
The water was dirty less than 10ft visability. We sped home and i grabbed my scuba gear. It took me 40 minutes or so working a grid with compass to find the rod.
Believe it or not it still had a 2lb lake trout attached. The lucky bit is if it had been a large fish who knows where the rod would of ended up.
The small lake trout had managed to drag the rod quite a ways from the marked spot, how i found it was by the drag marks in the silty bottom from the rod being pulled around!!!
We went on to fish the rest of the day and he loved every minute of it landing a couple smaller rainbows at sundown.
Location was Shuswap lake BC Canada
Not a mate but a guy crabbing next to me with his psyched out rottweiler and his kids. We were over the first bump in the bridge. He tied his rotty off onto the hornybrook highway bridge. The wind was blowing, the crabs coming up and the dog barking a treat at the waves. Sometime later with the dog was still going, but I hear this huge splash and then silence. I turn around to see the dog lead hanging over the side of the bridge. Interesting.
After 2 minutes of frantic calling the dog finally surfaces. I started to call the dog and make sure it swam to shore ~700 metres (it was doing fine). But nnooo... what does the owner do? - strip down of course, to his red undies, and jump in with the dog, in the strong current. Well the dog makes a beee line for this guy and trys to stand on him midcurrent, meanwhile scratching this guy up, on the back and front. The guy then yells out to me lower the rope down, while he ties the dog up, up under the front legs. After taking orders, I haul the young but heavy rotty up to the bridge, not taking much notice. When I got him up to the railing level all I could see was a rotty with its eyes popping out along with the veins - literally. I had to lower him back down and try again. The guy retied him double and I started the haul again (~25 kg plus). Got him up and over the railing and the dog went absolutely pyscho - happy to be alive I guess and not swimming the current under the bridge. Now the guy wanted to be pulled up as well (of course not thinking to swim to shore!!!). After several attempts (heavy bastard) with this guy walking on barnacles pylons to get up as well, he makes it. He ties his dog on a short leash, puts on his clothes and sits down to take a breather or two, and gets back to crabbing. You could tell this guy had some nice red paw marks straight through his white shirt front and back......ouch. [smiley=whip.gif] [smiley=whip.gif] [smiley=whip.gif]
Got to the shoals in 30m's of water. Asked my mate to drop the anchor at the front, he picks up the reef pick which was not tied onto the main line and drops it and 6m's of chain to the bottom. Then without saying anything picks up the plough anchor, which was tied off, and drops it as well hoping I wouldn't see what happened to the first one >
At least he bought me a new reef pick![]()