well i couldn't sleep much last night, was a bit excited about going fishn again today with pop,,and just to make sure he didnt forget,,i made mum bring me over to his place last night,,,and lucky i did cause he didnt have anything ready at all,,no bucket,,no bait ready,,no rods set up,,nothing........half an hour it took me to get it sorted,,
it was about 10ish when i fell asleep,,,crikey i'm only 3,,,but i was awake at 5,,,took me nearly 10 mins to get pop awake though,,,nan thought it was funny me jumping on him the way i did,,,anyway we loaded up the truck,, called in to the servo for a bottle of drink and we're off,,,,secret spot here we come,,,
now i'm not technically developed in the way of fisho talk to well yet,,,but pop said with the run up tide and no wind we should get a couple of lizards hopefully,,,so to impress him i caught one of me own,,i was that excited i held him to tight i think,, cause his tail fell of and his eyes went funny,, pop returned him to the tree
score so far,,,,,me 1,,,,,pop none
pop baited up the rods,,,i got settled in me chair,,,and the trap was set,,,
GOT ONE POP,,,,,(me 2,,) whilst pop was rebaiting,,,i snuck over to his rod to watch it,,,,,he was getting plenty of bites but i didnt want to disturb him so i didn't tell him
POP,,GOT ONE,,(me 3,,) now i brought this fish in via my favorite way of handlining,,ended up with the fish,,,the chair,,,me boot,, and a host of other things that pop left laying in me way,,,i think he done this on purpose,,trying to get back at me,,so i decided that i might go and do some exploring,, pop looked a bit busy now anyway trying to undo the chair,,me boot,,,and a host of other things that were tangled around the line,,,not that it was HIS line that was on fire,,,he was just feeding em,,whilst i done all the work catching em,,
anyway after 3 hours or so the FINAL SCORE WAS:::::me 8,,,,POP 4,,,,,,,,,,,and i got the biggest,,,,,i was going to bring it home and put it in the tank with BAIT,,,me pet,, but pop said something about SALTWATER,,,,then he looked funny,,,must remember that i thought at the time,,,BAIT and SALTwater mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
anyways to show off a bit,,,,,,,,,,HERE"S ME,,,,,,,