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ignorant boaties - Page 4
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Thread: ignorant boaties

  1. #46

    Re: ignorant boaties

    I guess I must be siding with flatstrap. I drive a 20 ft boat and also do venture in a 3.9m tinnie. As per my previous thread - I would not think of anchoring in the middle of a channel or next to one unless I was prepared for the wash. In most cases the wash is worse as boats come off the plane in order to meet road/sea rules. On the weekend I did anchor right nex t to a beacon but I expected wash and certainly was not critical of any boat that went by at speed. It's a case of "boatie beware" - is there a legal term for that
    It is more a case of blatant abuse of the rules that irks. Watched many boats ignoring the 6knots No Wash sign from Tipplers south on the weekend (the commercial operators are very blatant in its abuse).

    One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce and canonized those who complain.
    Thomas Sowell

  2. #47
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: ignorant boaties

    Thank you Sam and the silent others that might just consider the harsh reality that sometimes can happen when we are enjoying our chosen activity. I love boats and enjoy the company of people with experiences of the oean, fishing and nature in general. I also realise that there has to be a balance between enjoying what we choose to do and responsibilities.

    I too am irked when big boats (say a 36 ft Riv) disregard the rules and push a massive bow wave along a no wash zone. Jet skis doing doughnuts around a launch area. That sort of behaviour just isn't on when we have to share crowded waterways. The rules (laws/common sense) are there to protect all, even ourselves. Ignoring the facts doesn't mean they don't exist; the reality is that sooner or later it will catch up with you. It can and does happen to people we know.

    I am all for everybody enjoying our beautiful waterways and ocean. At the end of the day, the skipper's job is to ensure all have had a safe and enjoyable day. That's the non negotiable rule of boating.

    Love this forum...flatstrap

  3. #48

    Re: ignorant boaties

    Heres an incident, fishing off palmy, absulutly packed, we were anchored by 4 am, got there early to get a spot.

    By sunrise theres boats surrounding you being only say approx 20 metres away

    By 7 there were guys on ocean kyaks weaving through all these boats, they hook up to a fish within about 3 or 4 metres from the boat, the fish goes around the anchor rope and cuts it.

    So we have to head off and buy a new anchor, we asked them several times to keep away from the boat when fishing and just get back at us, shutup dikhead,

    they then move off and go near another boat fishing near us, and suprised that the other boat doesnt want them fishing near him either!

    I think that's just plain selfish but there's some thoughts of mine


  4. #49
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: ignorant boaties

    Quote Originally Posted by robersl

    good work

  5. #50
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: ignorant boaties

    as a person on the water almost everyday with a volunteer marine rescue (yes i am ok with most size boats)

    i see a lot of silly things both male and female both small and large boats
    and it really only comes down to education, education.

    so i agree with dignity and flatstrap

  6. #51

    Re: ignorant boaties

    Yes. Water rage / ramp rage is definately on the increase. Once upon a time it was a pleasure to put the boat in a Jacobs Well. Everyone was friendly and helped each other out and treated each other with respect. Now its scary. I always make sure that Im totally prepared prior to putting my boat in and even then Im scared that someone will go mad at me for doing something not quiet the way that they want me to do it. Im not very good at aggression and confrontations so this makes me very nervous around public boat ramps. I dont think the problem will go away. More people use the waterways then ever and along with this is the great variety in different personalities that use vessels. We can only be responsible for how we behave and treat each other ourselves.
    Take care everybody.

  7. #52

    Re: ignorant boaties

    What does 6 knots No Wash mean? At 6 knots my wash is almost worse than when I am on the plane. I usually have to slow down to 4 knots to stop wash and that doesn't bother me. See a lot of big boast especially mustangs etc that put out a huge wash at 6 knots. Maybe Qld Tpt needs to put out an education program. I believe the sign means No Wash and maximinum (not minimum) speed is 6 knots. Your thoughts?

    One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce and canonized those who complain.
    Thomas Sowell

  8. #53
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: ignorant boaties

    THat generally means that the speed limit is 6 knots and you can travel that if you dont leave a wash, but if as you said that your boats makes a bigger wash at that speed then you need to slow
    down more....

    just refering to the NSW Maritime handbook

    so what you say is correct

  9. #54
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Re: ignorant boaties

    Quote Originally Posted by saphire
    Yes. Water rage / ramp rage is definately on the increase. Once upon a time it was a pleasure to put the boat in a Jacobs Well. Everyone was friendly and helped each other out and treated each other with respect. Now its scary. I always make sure that Im totally prepared prior to putting my boat in and even then Im scared that someone will go mad at me for doing something not quiet the way that they want me to do it. Im not very good at aggression and confrontations so this makes me very nervous around public boat ramps. I dont think the problem will go away. More people use the waterways then ever and along with this is the great variety in different personalities that use vessels. We can only be responsible for how we behave and treat each other ourselves.
    Take care everybody.
    if you are not all that confident, why not try Horizon Shores...costs $10 but I have not witnessed any ramp rage there (yet), plus the staff on the tractors there are quite good and will give a hand if required if they are not too busy.

    I had an episode quite a few years back..Mr Perfect was watching me launch my took all of about 5 minutes..he shakes his head..i asked what the problem was..he said he wanted to back his boat down///this is a 3 lane ramp and I was only using one lane..I soon saw why..this bloke needed all 3 lanes to back down and he had the audacity to try and hurry me along..I just laughed.

  10. #55
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: ignorant boaties

    G'day Lucylass & Pinhead and other Ausfish members,
    LL, you nailed it! The solution to most (if not all) problems in respect of the changing circumstances in our evironment is education, education! As more people discover our wonderful waterways, congestion will be a natural consequence. But, if all were aware that the rules are placed to create order, there is no problem. Can you imagine our road system if no one followed the rules? Angle parking your car on the M1( lane 4) is the same as anchoring the boat (of any size) in a shipping lane or narrow channel.

    Hi PinHead,
    Why did Mr. Perfect need three lanes to launch his boat?


  11. #56

    Re: ignorant boaties

    You can be forgiven for exeeding the water speed limit by a little and come fast to the ramp But what i cannot forgive is the mothers that have their chidren swim on ramp and around --swimming up to 50 ft to the river.. they would have no chance surviving if someone was to come to ramp a bit faster or a bit under the weather I am for definitely no swimming up to 50 meters from ramp How say you?


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