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Thread: ignorant boaties

  1. #16

    Re: ignorant boaties

    We have always commented that most boaties usually wave and say hello when on the water
    and how this doesn't happen on the roads, (unless your in the bush) but unfortunately the same people that drive on the roads also drive on the water. More training might help but most of the time it's attitude and certain people thinking they may own the water more then others.
    The same old story.... minorities ruin it for all the others.
    Not a real lot you can do....but geeze it gets you wild!!
    Anyway I'm off to Brissie for Bonesy's footy game , hope I don't get road raged


  2. #17
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: ignorant boaties

    The police launch C.W.BROWN is getting a few years on it now as i am pretty sure it was in service when i was in the job in the 80s.
    Anyhow brett and myself could tell you some stories about wankers trying to fit between you and the bank with about 10 foot to spare and it goes on.
    Unfortunatly it never seems to get any better and sometimes better to let the wankers go and enjoy the rest of your day.

  3. #18

    Re: ignorant boaties

    some really good points made there guys,and yes i havent always been the perfect boatie,none of us have.i certainly dont blame the police but wouldnt it be great to see more of them and fisheries aswell why were at it.and your rite its not just jetskis,although i could mention a few incidents with them aswell usually very tolerant with these morons,infact i dont think some of them are even aware they are doing anything wrong.what i really got my back up about this incident was me getting abused just for shaking my head at this clown >....i dont condone violence either but boy, yesterday could have got me introuble as the thought did cross my mind to chase this clown down and have a crack at him,luckily i controlled my thoughts[he was kinda big looking.].... and i would have taken his rego too,if he had them on his boat that is .....cheers,casta.

  4. #19

    Re: ignorant boaties

    There is a new Boaties and Fisheries Department opening at Redland Bay but the bad news is ..... have a guess?

    Not enough staff to operate it full time, very limited vessel time for them on the water, no weekend staffing and an inability to attend anything out of hours.

    Having talked to one of the new B & F guys already, they are very disappointed at the above.

    It is still a great start nonetheless but wouldn't it be great if the funds were made available from Day One!

  5. #20

    Re: ignorant boaties

    I have noticed the same things and have only had a boat on the water for just on a year.The thing is I am very aware that I am new to this and like most things a little courtesy and consideration go a long way.I dont like it when I am fishing and somebody bores past at full blast does that mean that it's alright when it's my turn to go past them.On getting a licence yes it is to easy my stepson and I got ours about 6 months ago and at the time thinking it was abit of a joke but like a car licence they teach you how to pass the test not how to drive.One of the reasons I got a boat [apart from the sheer pleasure of being on the water]was to avoid the crowd Why is it when a mate and are fishing more than 1 boat turns in to a magnet or are they breeding?
    Just wanted to say thanks to the members on ausfish lots of good info on here for us newbies has come in very handy thanks again

  6. #21

    Re: ignorant boaties

    It's not just happening in one area, it's everywhere. I dunno if it is just me but I feel more intimidated because my boat is only a 3.85 explorer.


  7. #22
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: ignorant boaties

    Travelling on the Coomera River North Arm, I came around the bend (on the plane) in my 7m Cat to find a tinnie anchored across the channel, with 3 people in it fishing. The channel is n-a-r-r-o-w at low tide, and had nowhere to go but pass real close and take up all their lines. Much fist pumping and single digit displays were exhibited from the tinnie inhabitants. I came around and explained that their actions were like camping in a small dome tent in the middle of the M1! They didn't understand what I was saying. It is difficult to educate people on the run but surely... common sense dictates the danger in being stopped and anchored in a busy waterway?

    The head scratching goes on...

    Cheers, flatstrap

  8. #23

    Re: ignorant boaties

    Quote Originally Posted by flatstrap
    Travelling on the Coomera River North Arm, I came around the bend (on the plane) in my 7m Cat to find a tinnie anchored across the channel, with 3 people in it fishing. The channel is n-a-r-r-o-w at low tide, and had nowhere to go but pass real close and take up all their lines. Much fist pumping and single digit displays were exhibited from the tinnie inhabitants. I came around and explained that their actions were like camping in a small dome tent in the middle of the M1! They didn't understand what I was saying. It is difficult to educate people on the run but surely... common sense dictates the danger in being stopped and anchored in a busy waterway?

    The head scratching goes on...

    Cheers, flatstrap
    Surely, if common sense pervailed you wouldn't be going so fast in a N-A-R-R-O-W channel just incase a boat or log or KID was sitting in the middle of the channel

    So what do you do Flatstrap if a log or kid is in the channel and you're going flatstrap and can't stop or swerve??
    I bet you drive at 115km/h on the freeway in the 110km/h zone in the puring rain with little to no visability. Why, because you can (it's not against the law) and that's all there is about it.

    I'm not defending tinny operators (or any size/type of craft operators), but common sense should come to play a lot for everyone.

  9. #24

    Re: ignorant boaties

    Yeah here here Nick........couldn`t agree more. You only have to look as far as our roads to see the amount of ignorance and arogance out there that seems to be building every year and you can see this starting to infect our waterways as well.

  10. #25

    Re: ignorant boaties

    After running in last night from Moreton, I am totally convinced the bigger the vessel, the less "common sense" (if their is such a definition in the first place).
    Bad enough we know to watch for the idiotic tinnies anchored on the channel markers without light, last night dodged 3 of the nuts, one scared the crap out of us as he didn't have torch with much light in the first place , rounding St helena and Green, damm nearly midshiped a decent sized catarmaran, who was sailing, yes sailing at 11.00pm with spinnaker up, new moon and no lights whatsoever....... not even one mast light. When we did a complete u-turn, thank heavens for high tide, they turned on their motor, it lit up like a christmas tree.
    The bigger the boat, they either haven't got a license, or damm don't care >

  11. #26
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: ignorant boaties

    Hi Finga,
    I didn't say I was travelling flatstrap. I was on the plane...(ReRead my post). Common sense tells me that there probably isn't some idiot camping on the M1. You assume a lot that I might be driving 115kms in poor visibility. Are you an erroneous psychic?
    I do have a lot of experience both on road and on the water.
    You could improve your spelling skills and we would know what we're talking about.
    No thanks for the assumptions.

  12. #27

    Re: ignorant boaties

    i think the point he was trying to make was, that if you were travelling too fast to be able go around them, etc then perhaps you were going to fast, drive to the conditions etc, i can't comment as i wasn'ere, i only have your statement to go on, now before you reply, just stop and re read what i've written, think about it, then if you still feel compelled to reply, go ahead. i just dont want to drag this thread off topic.

  13. #28

    Re: ignorant boaties

    Quote Originally Posted by flatstrap
    Hi Finga,
    I didn't say I was travelling flatstrap. I was on the plane...(ReRead my post). Common sense tells me that there probably isn't some idiot camping on the M1. You assume a lot that I might be driving 115kms in poor visibility. Are you an erroneous psychic?
    I do have a lot of experience both on road and on the water.
    You could improve your spelling skills and we would know what we're talking about.
    No thanks for the assumptions.
    Yeah, fair enough. Comments noted and taken in.
    I don't mean to be rude but I have been in the position of the tinny on many occasions and have been abused by larger boat owners who may not be as understanding as you.
    I have a running joke with the cook about the big smiley I have on the side of the tinny. It should have been a target.
    I didn't say you were going flatstrap. (reread my post).
    So how fast is planing speed in a 7m cat in a N-A-R-R-O-W channel? How narrow is the channel??
    Must have been real narrow to be able to take all their (the tinnies) lines whilst passing. Maybe planing may have been too fast for the area?? I don't know. I wasn't there but looking at what you say planing speed may have been a tad fast.
    So what would you have done if a kid was swimming in the channel or a person was in a canoe etc??
    What would have happened if a 8m cat was coming from the other way at a planing speed instead of a stationary boat siting there. That would make a closing speed of planing speed of a 7m cat + the planing speed of an 8m cat.
    Funny place to find a boat really, in a water channel.
    I'm sorry if my spelling leaves a bit to be desired. I'm the first to admit I'm not perfect.
    I apologise if I read the contribution wrong and got the wrong idea.
    PS don't go touring in the NT. People do camp on the median strips between lanes on the roads.
    First time I saw it I thought there were fires in the shrubs. My sister told me they were aboriginal camps.
    Must say though they don't use tents. Too hot for that

  14. #29

    Re: ignorant boaties

    uh oh,,,,here we go!!!!!!!
    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  15. #30

    Re: ignorant boaties

    Quote Originally Posted by flatstrap
    ..... like camping in a small dome tent in the middle of the M1 ....
    Cheers, flatstrap
    how true how true - similar experience coming back into Scarborough late evening, darkish night with shorelights reflecting off water in front - cut the outer channel marker cause I knew the water was deep enough (about 3/4 tide) - had throttled off to 15+kts (thank God) - when a torchlight appears 15-20 metres DEAD AHEAD - FAAAAAARRK!!!! - absolutely no chance of stopping (always drive with hand on throttle) so reefed the wheel to port throwing deckie mate all over me (we're standing up in a 19foot c'console) - watch in horror as small tinne flashes past on starboard side about to be hit by my broadside wave - went back to check the damage - well didnt I cop it - no amount of apologies or offer to help him bail out or "oh by the way your supposed have lights" could placate him - have thought about this incident a lot cause it really shook me up - could have been really bad - perhaps I was going too fast to react to the unexpected - but really. a small tinnie sitting in the dark near the entrance to a busy harbour - thats gotta be a risk like camping in a small dome tent in the [s]middle[/s] inside lane of the M1

    guess the moral of the story is LOOK OUT LOOK OUT THERE ARE IDIOTS ABOUT
    Haines Hunter 650 'Horizon' 200 4st Johnson (aka Suk DF200) call sign "Dozer" or "Uripper"

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