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ignorant boaties
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Thread: ignorant boaties

  1. #1

    ignorant boaties

    > > >....sorry in advance for the whinge guys,but the amount of totally ignorant,uneducated,rude and probally unlicensed morons on the water ways around caloundra just riles me to the point were i dont fish there as often as i would like, although i live 5 mins from 4 different ramps......while standing on my forward casting deck, working a shallow flat of 2-3ft deep,casting sp,s looking for lizards, i watched with interest a small boat approaching at high speed between me and the area i was casting to, which eventually past not 20ft off my bow > usual i couldnt be bothered uttering a word to this imbisile instead gave a casual shake of the head....AND I GOT ABUSED ....something along the lines of ''dont shake your *###### head at me you ###...$#$## is it just me,or is this happening everywere?.....been fishing and boating for years and in my experience this is definetly getting worse. not the abuse,but the ignorance,cheers casta.

  2. #2

    Re: ignorant boaties

    what i forgot to mention was the 200mtrs of navigatable water behind me

  3. #3

    Re: ignorant boaties

    No m8 your right its happening more and more I fish the pine river as it 3 mins from my place and I have had to make it a rule no more boat fishing on the weekends Due to the high amount of wankers ,mostly ski boats but unfortunatly some fishing boats now as well, I have seen the police once in the last year and they stopped near dollies rocks coming in from Redcliff no where near where the high density traffic is up past the bridge I have complained to the constablury about this after a ski boat was less than 3 meteres from me at full noise whilst I was anchored ,there reply was we will send some 1 out to have a look ,that was about 5 months ago I still havent seen them as yet and I fish there at least 3 times a week.Cheers Snas

    Live life like a dog,If you cant eat it or hump it ,
    pee on it and walk away.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Re: ignorant boaties

    why not get the rego number and report the driver?

    I won't go into the other options as I do not condone violence

  5. #5

    Re: ignorant boaties

    at least i got a ""kinda" polite 1,,, was fishn ningi creek a couple weeks back on the run up,, and i was next to a litte tidal creek,, when along comes a boatie,,, drifts in towards me and then throws out his cast net chasing bait,,, when i protested that he threw right over my gear,,, he asked ""if i own the creek"",,, upon this he soon discovered my complaint was warranted when he retrieved his net and untangled my line from it,,,,,

    i must say his mate who was in control of the boat, but wouldnt have seen me due to being at the stern gave him a bit of a blast and they took off,,,,,all of this was spoken in normal voice,, not yelling,,,,just to give you an idea of how close he was,,,,

    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  6. #6

    Re: ignorant boaties

    The patrol was on the Pine yesterday breathalysing one boatie I went past. Just a pity it was the only other boat on the water other than mine


    Life is a waste of time, time is a waste of life, so get wasted all the time and have the time of your life.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: ignorant boaties

    Mate i get the same morons 75km out , they havent get a clue .

  8. #8

    Re: ignorant boaties

    And on the other side of the coin.

    I was in a 6 knot no wash zone a few days ago and saw a Jetskier ( don't we just love those folk ? ) coming my way at 20knots plus. As he got near, he slowed a little...........and I jestured to him with my hand and fingers extended 6, well five fingers up on one hand a one on the other. Bugga me ! he slowed, nodded and proceeded at the required knots.

    That is the FIRST time a jetskier has taken notice of some advice I have given them.

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  9. #9

    Re: ignorant boaties

    Good topic
    I wonder of all those that complain of speed of other boaties if they have ever been guilty of the same thing, you know, when you were younger and full of terestrone or showing off to mates, towing a skier.
    I know its not pleasant to be on the recieving end of some bodies wash or stupidity.
    Back to the guilty bit, on 1 occasion I have come in cold and wet and wanting to get home and not slowed enough going up an open channel (not speed restricted) and nearly upended a guy trolling beside the channel (I slowed down and went back and said sorry).
    So I think it comes down to
    If we all tried to be a little tolerent, maybe in some mysterus way it may start to rub off on others

  10. #10

    Re: ignorant boaties

    True but I always get in all sorts of trouble when I suggest to readers on this site that in moi's opinion, about 75% of Boaties are careless, incompetant, ignorant of rules and basically have little idea of how to operate a vessel in a professional way. (not applicable Ausfish readers )

    Most of the blame has to do with the testing laws (under change at the moment I know) where the approved Inspector doesn't need to watch you launch and/or recover the boat (you can have it in the water already) spends about 20-30 minutes on the water, does a man overboard, asks what is that red beacon, what is the local speed limit, a couple of "S" turns and then back to the ramp.

    This is NOT the Inspectors fault! It is what the authorities tell them to do!

    Remember above all else that marine rescue groups in Queensland do about $40,000,000 worth of "rescues" each year (Government statistics). Granted many are for genuine breakdowns or unpreventable difficulties, but having done aver 250 "rescues" myself and previously part of a rescue group that did 20,000 rescues in the same number of years, the most depressing part was doing up the monthly stats and just seeing the idiocy that was involved.

    And I have to stick up for the Water Police! Along with the Beattie Government's Health Department being a basket case, spare a thought for the cops who have no funds for on-water training, have a policy that requires the volunteer groups be called in first for rescue work, have a shortage of officers (24 x 7), no money for overtime, no funds to maintain the boats (jet skis broken for almost a year) and you can see why you rarely if ever see them on the water - and these guys would genuinely love to be out there laying down the law!

    Fact is you park a police boat at say Raby Bay ramps every single weekend and very soon the message will get through - as it would anywhere else! But that means spending to possibly save lives and we know Politicians would rather save votes and not lives!

    For an afternoons fun, park at a bust boat ramp and watch the fun for hours!

    Then again, the same happens on our roads and nobody really cares, just part of ther territory!

  11. #11

    Re: ignorant boaties

    Yeah, a bit of commonsense and courtesy doesn't hurt. I've had plenty of guys blast past me within a few metres when I'm anchored (plenty of space to go around) and also drive across my lines.

    I'm very conscious of not doing it to anyone else and hopefully it can rub off on others.

  12. #12

    Re: ignorant boaties

    True; unfortunately, that sort of rubbish is everywhere these days and shows no sign of disappearing in the near future. There are 3 problems causing this and they are:-

    1) This whole culture of "I, ME, MINE and F#@& EVERYBODY ELSE!" has taken over in society as a whole and it is not punished or discouraged; it is, in fact championed and encouraged. And it starts from the top (our Politicians) and works its way down through our workplaces, our schools and, sadly, into the day-to-day lives of our families.

    2) The general lack of manners, respect and courtesy in our society is absolutely disgusting these days and nobody seems to stand for anything anymore, apart from the things outlined in point No.1.

    3) The biggest problem on the water is that people are getting into boating these days who aren't from boating backgrounds. That's fine and I have no dramas with people getting into boating and/or fishing, but they bring their other sh!*house attitudes and hang-ups with them from their real lives as outlined in points 1 and 2. Now, their relaxation is just an extension of their daily lives that they obviously see as a war where evryone is out to get them and they must win at all costs to remain Emperor of the own little sh!*heap and be seen as strong and heroic by those around them. And, guess what their kids will most likely turn into..


  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member TheSaint's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: ignorant boaties

    It just not the Jetskiers!

  14. #14
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Re: ignorant boaties

    The boys hard at it during our recent se qld trip.
    cheers jon

  15. #15

    Re: ignorant boaties

    Well said TTP and Nick.
    It's all a combination of what TTP and Nick have outlined.
    Common sense doesn't go astray either when the laws say something is OK bit is still dangerous

    Mike (catchy fishy) has just got his license in South Africa. A whole lot harder then Aussie land.

    Here's an idea. Mike, when you read this, list what you have to do in SA to get your license and we'll compare to Australia.

    When I got my license all those years ago all I had to do (all on the same day at the same time) was answer a couple of questions, He (I put that in capital letters because I did think he was God because He could fail me )watched me launch the boat (3.75m runabout with a 9.5 merc) then we went for a run because he wanted to check his traps.
    All this took all of 20minutes and hey presto the license was mine.

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