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ignorant boaties - Page 3
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Thread: ignorant boaties

  1. #31

    Re: ignorant boaties

    Quote Originally Posted by choppa
    uh oh,,,,here we go!!!!!!!
    Nope sorry Choppa.
    Said my piece. Sick of close incidents from all forms of the boating fraternity (ie big boats, little boats and jetski's)
    I just wished people navigated with a defensive attitude (gees I hope that's the correct way to say what I mean??) to lessen the impact they have on other people whether they be other boaties or persons in the water or land-based users of our waterways.
    Courtesy and consideration to other waterway users seems to be on the decrease.
    Sad but true
    And remember to expect the unexpected when you least expect it

  2. #32

    Re: ignorant boaties

    Just Reading the posts on this topic........ Do you mean to tell me there is a practical side to getting your boat licence in Queensland?????????????
    In Vic. you study a book on rules and regs then sit a mutipal choise test on the computer.......and for an extra $5 you can sit your PWC ticket at the same time. I had a fair bit to do with boats before I sat my licence but had never ridden a jet ski (Still to get near one.......not that Im rushing out to get one of the bloody things). I thought at the time how stupid the system is. A mate who had never driven a boat, went to an info session, paid his money, sat the test and bingo, one boat licence. Mabey thats why there are so many DH's on the water ways down here???????

  3. #33

    Re: ignorant boaties

    I gave a kid in a tinnie the fright of his life in a NARROW channel once, the only thing to do was stay on the plane which caused the least amount of wash. I slowed back to 6 knots afterward, I was too close to do anything else, appologised to the gentleman in a housboat nearby who, by then was waving his arms so frantically he could have taken off! I will remember that for the rest of my life as a lesson learned, my confidence as a boat driver and ski instructor got the better of me. The difference between ignorance and humility is the recognition of when you are in the wrong, and learning from your mistakes when you are wrong, vowing never to repeat it.


  4. #34

    Re: ignorant boaties

    All makes alot of sense to me, especially what Nick had to say.
    You will find though when someone gives you a gob full for pointing out their wrong doings, it's that they are in fact very embarrassed and their generally small IQ will force them to lash out rather than apologise. Its the way they have behaved all of their lives and it will be carried through anything that they undertake.Beware though,for this species is not adverse to violence as another method of covering up their anti-social abilities.

    I envy anyone out there who gets an RDO or 2 a month and has the opportunity to fish during the week, away from the masses, as boat rage will soon become as popular as road rage.

    Regards Cameron.

  5. #35
    Ausfish Platinum Member Angla's Avatar
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    Mar 2005

    Re: ignorant boaties

    I've been out at Wide caloundra and decided to move around at about 7.30pm. I had Spotted a tinny without lights on while traversing the remote searchlight. I didn't keep the light on him at all but after knowing he was there I could pick him up in the bright reflection of the stars.

    Of course I Got up on the plane and headed for him with respect of the distance. Never seen anyone wave a stupid dull torch so frantically as him.

    IDIOTS. I've got plenty of time to scare the $hi7 out of them. I only hope he and his mate learned a good lesson.


  6. #36

    Re: ignorant boaties

    A month or so ago I was fishing from the bank into Tingalpa Creek where it emerges into the Bay. Out of the creek came four people in a ski boat, with a huge outboard on the back - moving at a fair rate of knots. I was wondering if they had travelled from the ramp at that speed, ignoring the "6 knots - no wash" signs near the moorings.

    They immediately ran into a sand bank - apparently ignoring the clearly marked channel. They managed to get back into deep water, and took off again at speed only to go the wrong side of the next beacon they came to..........aground again. Did anybody on board have a licence? If they did, they've forgotton what the colours & shapes of beacons mean.

    Back into the channel, they were off again, this time one of them kept a lookout sitting on the bows, feet dangling, no bow rails to stop him landing in the drink if they hit another bank. Luckily they didn't. By now they must have figured out the beacons and sped out into the bay. If any of them had a licence, they didn't deserve it.

    Seeing so many dumb things done on the water over the years, it's a wonder there aren't more so-called accidents.


  7. #37
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: ignorant boaties

    Quote Originally Posted by firefish
    Just Reading the posts on this topic........ Do you mean to tell me there is a practical side to getting your boat licence in Queensland?????????????
    In Vic. you study a book on rules and regs then sit a mutipal choise test on the computer.......and for an extra $5 you can sit your PWC ticket at the same time. I had a fair bit to do with boats before I sat my licence but had never ridden a jet ski (Still to get near one.......not that Im rushing out to get one of the bloody things). I thought at the time how stupid the system is. A mate who had never driven a boat, went to an info session, paid his money, sat the test and bingo, one boat licence. Mabey thats why there are so many DH's on the water ways down here???????

    NSW is the same.... answer some questions heres your license... and you can go and buy a 44 steber capable of carnage and destruction.... and the authorities dont even know if you can drive it.

    i would like to see licensing split like a motorbike license .. you cant get a bike license and then buy the biggest bike you can

    my opinion

  8. #38
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: ignorant boaties

    Well it always amazes me what happens out on the ocean - we have been quietly anchored up since 4 am working hard on a berley trail with quality baits in the water - waiting for the first runs from the snapper and these idots come up in a tinny only about 30 or 40 feet away - they go up and then back up and then back round & round & round - clank rattle roll, drop something in the bottom of the boat - crash rattle rattle and that'll be it folks. In shallow water - all the fish are spooked.

    They end up staying for only ten minutes - declare no bloody fish here and then piss off.

    Its unbelievable really - a shake of the head brings absolutely no response.

    It sure is harder to find a peaceful patch of water all to yourself.


  9. #39

    Re: ignorant boaties

    I still stuff up, too fast, too close sometimes misread a marker but then I keep learning. Never ceases to amaze me though the number of so called boaties in small and big (some huge) boats that always hug the left side of the channel. I try not to move over if I can help it but some of them are adamant they know the rules of the sea. Obviously they missed that one in their test.

    Maybe this belongs in another thread but should I drop off the plane and go to 6 knots because boats have decided to anchor in or right next to the channel to fish. Last weekend it would have taken me hours to get where I was going because of this.
    One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce and canonized those who complain.
    Thomas Sowell

  10. #40
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: ignorant boaties

    My view on this subject of stupid boaties is this: If a boatie puts himself in harm's way (irrespective of boat size), how can he then expect or demand other boaties to be considerate of his position?

    We all have to decide what speed is reasonable for the prevailing conditions and drive at that speed. However, it is crazy to play the 'what if' game and factor in EVERY possible scenario in deciding that speed. For example, if you are driving at the posted legal limit and visibility is excellent, roads are dry, etc, do you then factor in unexpected circumstances like: a) What if the truck in front of me suddenly decides to disintegrate in front of me, or a wheel from the opposing lane jumps the median strip, etc. We can go on and on.

    The point is, YOU decide where it is safe for you and don't expect someone else to control your destiny. Iy you want to jump off a cliff, you can't say "Why didn't you talk me out of it?"

    Your destiny is in YOUR hands. If someone else saves you, it's just a bonus and thank your lucky stars!

  11. #41
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: ignorant boaties

    I go everywhere at 6 knots, and with the waterways become exponentially more cluttered every year, ITS TIME to wind back the clock to the old days when we all travelled at 6knots (approx) because thats what boats were capable of. The waterways would be a far safer place.

    People like Flatstrap have no cause to draw analogies with road is entirely different because there are lines drawn on the road and rules for crossing them. In addition, everyone on the same piece of road is travelling at approximately the same speed.

    Severe speed restrictions will happen, just a question of when

  12. #42

    Re: ignorant boaties

    isn,t it funny when losing an argument ,people attack your spelling?maybe its a diversion away from the fact that they are wrong. I own a small tinny and usually some fool in his big boat nearly wipes you out everytime you go fishing. dont know what it is maybe small man syndrome,or a feeling of superiority because he can afford a big boat and can look down on the common old tinny things that constantly spoil his day.maybe they should have a common where the commoners could fish and all putt about at 8 knots,fish in yhe middle of their channels. while there could be a freeway for the bigguns.with no shitbox tinnies to be seen. hussy

  13. #43
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: ignorant boaties

    On another thread NSW are introducing some new licensing laws.

    Qld's licensing rules have only been law since July '05 and trialled for 12 months before that. TAFE QLD are trying to change the rules so they can conduct the theory sessions with regular teachers not seafarers as defined in the MSQ "Boatsafe" licensing rules. This would set Qld back behind other state standards.
    Since the introduction of the new rules in Qld I feel the public is more aware of just how much knowledge is needed to operate a vessel safely.
    Sure the boat license courses are still inadequate but they meet the criteria defined by MSQ. In the future there will be length and hp restrictions, there has to be, as hp is relatively cheap these days. It's a crazy situation where a boatie can get a boat license in a 5m tinnie and then go out and buy and operate a 60'+ planing cruiser capable of 35kts.

    I'm sure these discussions come to the attention of those in power, one day they will lend weight to them.

    cheers, Steve.

  14. #44

    Re: ignorant boaties


  15. #45
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: ignorant boaties

    Hey listen up guys, the boat is just another type of vehicle just like cars, aircraft etc. You've got to follow the road rules without exception or you will learn it the hard way. Your teacher could be a barge, water taxi or cruise liner. You must not put yourself or your vessel in harm's way PERIOD!

    I am sorry I compared a boat to car. It's not even similar in specs. It's much worse! A boat has no brakes, doesn't respond to steering inputs quickly enough, and people regard them as their toys.

    There is no argument from me here. So I can't be losing anything if there is no argument. It's called personal responsibility for your actions. If you choose to dress in black leotards (which you may if you wish to) and a black cape, and trundle down the M1 on a fixed wheel tricycle, you will get hurt! No argument from me. And the person/vehicle that teaches you that lesson could be anybody, e.g., a grandmother, a Vietnam Vet, even your local parish priest.

    I stress correct spelling so there's no ambiguity in the discussion.

    If you wish to wind back the clock, which is not possible, and travel everywhere at 6 knots you can. If low speed makes you FEEL safe, do it. Just remind your Qantas pilot next time you go overseas of your requirements. Welcome to the 21st century and going forward only.

    I am sorry if you equate big boat with little man syndrome. Next time I rescue ( twice) a tinnie out of it's area of safety, I will humbly apologise for owning such craft. I use a 7m Cat offshore for it's seaworthiness, not it's snob appeal.

    I hope this helps someone. flatstrap

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