A bit of advance notice for you as many of you like to attend and plan ahead, I will start bumping it up closer to the date.
Kind Regards
Popular Boaties’ Market On Again – 7th May
Volunteer Marine Rescue Victoria Point is holding its eleventh bi-annual Boaties’ Market at the Victoria Point State School grounds in Colburn Avenue on Sunday May 7th 2006. The gates open for site holders and buyers at 5.30 am and the market continues until 12 noon. The market has become a well known event and continues to increase in popularity
Entry for buyers is by means of a donation, with the proceeds going towards operating and maintaining the rescue vessels, looking after the building, its vehicles and safety equipment. Site holders pay a token $10 per site with there being no restrictions on the size required and no need to book ahead. We are always pleased to donate a percentage of our takings to the School’s P & C Association for their generosity in making the grounds available for the market. The interest shown so far in this year’s markets is well in excess of previous years
Any enquiries should be directed to Rob Collyer on 0412 506 626
E-mail contact Rob at
Web site info http://www.vmr.org.au/upcomingevents.html