I wonder what impact these protected areas have on non-protected areas? Do the non-protected areas end up being more heavily fished?
Seems an area as large as Victoria is to excuded from fishing.
Going to be some very expensive fish and chips from now on.
I wonder what impact these protected areas have on non-protected areas? Do the non-protected areas end up being more heavily fished?
Just read in the local rag in tassie that the mp plan for north east tassie has been modified to enable pro,s to fish scallop[ beds and leave open the area for game fishing.
I would have prefered to keep the pro's out and make it rec only
BlazeOriginally Posted by blaze
It's cheaper for the Government to exclude recreational fishers only. If pro's are kicked out of traditional fishing grounds, the Government would be likely to have to pay them compensation.
So much for the "conservation" argument.
Hi Ges
In tassie the last time they had licence reduction they just looked a c class licences and the catch history and those with no catch history were just deleted, a and b class were then modified for catch history so no history they could no longer catch that species. cost zero
that may be a simplistic way of looking at it but is how i understand it
Maps and details of the new marine protected areas can be seen on this URL site http://www.deh.gov.au/coasts/mpa/southeast/index.html
dont think tha flinders area has been updated yet
article in the Weekend Australian says that Australia is third in the world with areas of marine parks.