PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant VBA_SCRIPT - assumed 'VBA_SCRIPT' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ..../includes/functions_navigation.php(802) : eval()'d code on line 1 Mistakes,,, I have done them all (or have I?) - Page 6
haha yeah we did that a couple of weeks ago camping on Nagi (bout 50kms east of TI) came back about half an hour late and only made it halfway to the beach before we were scraping on the reef. put out the anchors and waited for the tide to come back in at about 11pm when we had to walk 50m out to push her back in. was bloody scary thinking about the croc slides i'd seen on the beach that morning...
G,Day Neil, Looks like you guys were late home for dinner
Oh well just think you saved fuel by not motoring around the bay.
Cheers Brent
fishing wide of cape moreton one sunday morning with regular deckie who,s prone to be side tracked quite easily, i supply the pillies, him the squid. all the time telling me what a good deal hes got with the squid. upon opening plastic bag & newspaper he produces a nice fresh cabbage, it appears that he grabbed the wrong package out of the fridge. ( we caught no fish on the cabbage) another time he left the muffs on the motor after flushing. kept an eye on him most times " BUTT" cheers kevy.
on saturday left the boat in the water a bit before going to sleep,
long story, short; the tide went down and the back end of the boat ends up on a 1 1/2m tree stump with the good part of the motor stuck in the hollow tree stump!
Many years ago, watched some blokes beach launching a boat off the beach with an old landy.
They didn't like the boat to have its own battery, so they would take the battery out of the landy after launching and put it in the boat, and then reverse the process for retrieval.
They launched and had the battery loaded eventually and drove, very sluggishly. Look in the bung..... Back to the beach to put the boat back on trailer and drain water.
Bloke jumps off boat and runs up to old Landy. Won't start. Back to boat, retrieve battery, install in Landy and reverse down the beach.
Oh gawd, I can't really contribute but have never laughed so much at this site.
I don't know what got me the most, the guy that brought the ice cream fishing or the guy that brought the cabbage!
There's a show I like on telly called Mythbusters and they actually thought the guy leaving the boat ramp (as in putting the boat IN the water) with the trailer attached to his boat was a myth and tested it. The boat went slowly and no surprise was not gunna plane. The guy they borrowed the boat off then told them that he had had customers actually do this and knew other guys that owned boat shops that had seen this one as well. Its bloody commonplace in the good ole US.
Imagine the look on ya face when you opened up a cabbage though,.... priceless stuff.
was sitting in the office with a boat ramp right next door when i heard a big bang followed by a van driving about 20kms per
straight down the ramp and into the water, as i watched the van go head first into the water, bounce over the rocks and settle into the water, i tht theres something different.
i went out and saw a man standing at the top of the ramp with his metal dinghy still in his hands, mouth open.
he had transported his dinghy in the back of the van which he parked at the top of the ramp, when he pulled the dinghy out .. the nose of it caught the handbrake and let it loose.
had to get a tow truck to get it back out cause every thing siezed
all i can say is lucky he hadnt backed the van down the ramp.
Hi all
Just joined ausfish.Went to jacobs well a few fridays ago. arrived 3am, good nobody around, did usual things before reversing, bungs ect .Reversed down ramp,perfect. Out of car ,undid safety chain,grabbed bow rope and gave 480m boat a good shove into water .Bow rope decided to break, away goes boat,passed end of wharf,guy fishing on wharf nearly had stroke.Decided to go for swim ,got to boat just past vmr completely stuffed after swim,got into boat and guess what,left the bloody boat keys in car .
Say no more ,true dick -h
regards peter.
have homemade berley pot hanging over the back on a cord, then finish fishing, pull up anchor, start motor and drive off. Then u hear a clunk and find you are down one berley pot!
Also lost a transducer off my portable humminbird a few years back in a similar way. We were 5 mins into the first session on a two week mission in the Whitsundays, little did we realise we were about to become sounderless for the whole trip! We stopped to fish a dropoff on our way out of Shute Harbour. After 5 mins, and not realising that the stupid suction cup transducer had let go & floated under the outboard leg while we were fishing, decided to start outboard and motor off ..... with similar result to berley pot story mentioned above!
(fishing buddy also threw the anchor and chain overboard on this trip, damn that D shackle!)
Check out my boat for sale in the classifieds
469 Stacer open Seahorse/Nomad
50hp 4 stroke tiller Mercury
Heaps of extras, in top condition
Quite a few years ago while me and a mate were up north near mission beach we thought we would try our luck at this beach ....instead of parking my mate thought he would drive the F!00 down the beach to the rocky outcrop down the end ....all was fine till we tried to leave that afternoon...the car sank down into the sand to the diff and we were not going anywhere .....anyway it was getting dark and after much digging and scavaging bits of what ever to drive on we had the car linned up for a downhill run onto the wet / harder sand ...welll soon as we hit that sand we sunk really bad, night was falling and the tide was comming in ...we both dug and cursed till we were stuffed then climbed into the back of the car to get some sleep only to be woken by waves crashing over the bonnet during the early hours of the morning
We thought the car was done fore but thankfully it wasnt a large tide ....later that day we managed to get a council backhoe to pull us out ...he damn near got bogged him self .......very sft sand around mission
Just read back through the previous pages and nearly pissed myself ! Loved the one about the boat on the trailer being leak tested by filling up with water from the hose!
I have a mate who has just left on a trip around Oz with tinny on top of camper trailer behind the fourby and heading into the wilds of Northern Oz - I'm sure he is the long lost love child of Mr Bean so no doubt I'll get some new material for this thread soon!
It'll only be a matter of time...........
Check out my boat for sale in the classifieds
469 Stacer open Seahorse/Nomad
50hp 4 stroke tiller Mercury
Heaps of extras, in top condition
ah arent bogged 4wd's fun!
A few years ago my family was camping at Noosa nth shore with our 86 pajero (4cyl). On the second night some bogans in a ford ute rock up with a jetski in tow, and proceeded to haul the ski on the trailer over the dunes by hand, then spend all day jumping waves etc. When they were finished they were too stuffed to haul it back over the dunes so offered me $50 to pull it out with the 4wd, seemed like a good deal at the time.
So after hitching the ski up to the back i set off to the cutting to get off the beach, but all the tracks went north up the beach, so i had to go through all the soft stuff as the tide was coming in. So of course i got bogged up to the running boards(dont change down gears in low range. doh! ) but luckily had a shovel in the back, so jumped out and proceeded to dig in the dark, with the waves lapping at the doors to discover that the guys who owned the ski had disappeared!!
Well i eventually dug it out (I was only 16 at the time too) and made it back to the camp, coolant boiling away, but man i dont think i have been as scared as i was that night!! and all the guys could say was "gee mate you took your time"!!! >
F***ing jetskiers!!