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What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre?? - Page 8
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Thread: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

  1. #106
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    I've got a small outboard on a small tinnie so fuel doesn't bother me there, the car I use to tow it uses a fair bit.

  2. #107

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    oh! and yo have gotta have a huge fuel tank so that you can invest in the future,
    Barker Transport Logistic Services
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  3. #108

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    Geez Didnt I read all these when fuel hit $1 litre.
    I cant see that there will be any problem. Now we have all the green zones in we wont have to go so far out to catch a feed and even though we'll be limited to only 20 reef fish they'll be so much bigger we'll probably only need to bring a couple home to have a feed for a week and.....Oh whats that Dear , time to wake up and go to Work????
    Oh , I must have been dreaming

  4. #109
    Ausfish Platinum Member Cammy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    is there anyway we can convert motors to gas like some cars are now? or am i missing something. im plannin to do that with my car when i get it, even if its gonna cost me like 2k to do it, still better than $3-$5 a LITRE for petrol.

    Australian Native Fish Vids
    Specialize in Terapontida's, Perches, Cods, Gobies & Gudgeons

  5. #110
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    Will just have to pay up and shut up I suppose like we do now. The Govt let the Oil Companies do what they want. It is even tough enough running a 4cyc Hilux 4x2 in the traffic that we have these days as well. Just add a few more Toll Roads and we all might as well give up work and stay at home.... Be cheaper.

  6. #111

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    It will not be price of fuel in isolation that pulls us up from fishing, it will be trying to find the dollars for a full tank of fuel AFTER all of the other costs forced into the budget as a result of the price of fuel. So the $1.00 a liter period of argument pails somewhat in comparison.
    Big business and government will not be open to a comensurate cuts in taxs or charges to relax domestic family budget shortfalls.

    The cost to fill a 80L+ tank today is more than 30% of people have after basic cost of living expenses, then they need to buy food, medication, cloths, laundry detergent.

    Will be interesting times ahead imo, where did I put my push bike, it's to be pivitol in my boat fuel tank funds savings plan

    cheers fnq

    PS anyone notice that at least for the first time in my life, the fuel in the jerry can is worth as much as the can it's self!!!!!!!
    Last edited by FNQCairns; 06-03-2008 at 08:52 AM.

  7. #112

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    I think I said this way way back, most will just pay up and shut up, after a while it will be just common to pay $2 -5 a litre, but in the end, I think we will all just rethink the way we do things, like reducing our unecessary trips, car pooling, Public Transport, going slower than we do now in a mini Diesel powered single cylinder car, or even Electric may become "normal" as long as we can charge it up from the Sun or Wind, useless to have an Electric car, but need to plug it into the House power to charge it, this is very long term thinking, but in the end, we will all have to save/limit our energy use whether we like it or not, kind of like the idea of puttting around at 5 knots in an open, tiller steer, cylinder cylinder putt putt.

  8. #113

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    Well, if i am going to get withdrawls from not going enough, i am going to have a transfusion of fish oil, because i am not going to spend my fishing time laying around like some one else i know

  9. #114

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    big fuel prices brings back memories of movies such as waterworld, mad max, ect,ect

  10. #115

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    When I head down to the beach house at Cape Upstart each month or so I use at least 100L - that is 60L towing fuel and about 40L boat fuel. It's just another cost that has to be absorbed. At the moment it's cheaper than a night out to dinner and a few drinks so I reckon it's great value.
    A mate of mine reckons he can't wait for Peak Oil to hit, it'll accelerate new environmentally friendly technological advances....

  11. #116

    Post Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    Gulp...Mad Max is starting to feel a little closer to home!!!

    Reefmaster and I were talking about this a while back and asked him if he knew anyone making a diesel outboard. Well about a week or so later he sent me this link....Could be food for thought!!!! Sure the price is dearer but you get more outa a tank. Enjoy


    Last edited by BilgeBoy; 06-03-2008 at 10:17 PM. Reason: typo

  12. #117

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    I am just going to keep hitting my boss up for pay rises.


    He who aims at nothing is sure to hit it.

  13. #118
    Ausfish Platinum Member Cheech's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    I recently bought a 2004 ford explorer with a V8. I figure it is my last chance to have a rediculously uneconomical vehicle. Sure is fun to drive. After this one goes, it will be back to economy.

  14. #119

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    hhmm maybe mopeds and pushbikes, oars and sails, buses and trams,and a host of other "old time" stuff will make a comeback! but I reckon it will be very hard for our modern society to embrace anything other than, faster, bigger, better, imagine how most would cope today without even say, a mobile phone, most of the younger ones, might even talk to each other face to face!! nah, that would never happen, but just think how good it would be to walk aroung a Supermarket and not have to zig zag in and out of people dawdling along with their eyes firmly glued to a phone, totally oblivious to what is happening around them, or even commuting to work, and the person next to you had their eyes actually on the road instead of texting with one hand, holding coffee cup with the other, checking makeup/hair in the mirror, doing eyebrows as well, wonder how they steer???

  15. #120

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    I'm going to pay through the nose for my fuel, then whinge about it on forums

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