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What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre?? - Page 5
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Thread: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

  1. #61
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre?? your calcualtions that only makes an increase of $38.50 per trip..surely that is not all that much. Only amounts to a carton and a half...lots of drinks I guess but surely those who own boats and fish offshore aren't right on the edge of poverty.

  2. #62
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    Nothing like sharing the cost of transport ;

  3. #63

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    Hey Pinhead hows it goin? well an extra this or that amount at the present moment probably doesn't make much difference and as someone else said it will reduce the number of boats on the water-is that a good thing?,anyway it's more a case of looking at where we will be in say 5yrs or more that is the real issue and why.
    If some boaties are happy to get ripped off and shafted by the govt and big corporations and can afford to absorb infinite cost increases then that's their perogative, personally I prefer to exercise my democratic right to ask questions and demand answers and not just sit back fat and dumb accepting whatever is imposed on me gleefully.Just because I personally can easily absorb any cost increases doesn't mean that I shouldn't question the reasons behind it and that's quite apart from considering the struggling family man who just wants to take his kids fishing on the weekend but finds himself walking a financial razors edge.
    There are a whole range of boaties and fishermen out there from very wealthy to dirt poor and to take the attitude that just because I personally can afford endless cost increases and don't give a toss about anyone else is pretty un-australian I reckon not to mention selfish.

  4. #64

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    If the whole planet is floating on readily available easily extractable crude oil then I have 2 questions-Why is the USA so interested in the middle east?
    -Why isn't oil based fuel cheap as chips?

  5. #65

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    The cost of fuel will not get back to below 1$ I built my cat in order to use electric motor and at this stage use both with 6hp yamaha although my ecconomy is substantially lower then most of you my resources are also smaller so next step @ $2 /l is 2x80w solar panels to feed my batteries and get me where i wish to go all day in eternal silence and ecconomical bliss.... I am in protest to pay High manipulated prices for fuel. Most are manipulated by Options traders and big funds the oil corp are only the providers and grinning and our Gov although its taking a set exise tax the GST goes up with the prices and they are also grinning

    But you just wait it can go to 3$
    Perhaps a small fishing cat like I have will add to Global solution...

  6. #66

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    My little 3.95metre stacer proline with 30hp merc. mite not make it over the Ballina bar. good economy for rivers and dams though. wish I could get amongst fish like that here in northern nsw with my little tinny. I go outside with a mate in a 5.5 sailfish and $50 a trip ea. is still worthwhile.

  7. #67
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    Quote Originally Posted by rough_shag
    Hey Pinhead hows it goin? well an extra this or that amount at the present moment probably doesn't make much difference and as someone else said it will reduce the number of boats on the water-is that a good thing?,anyway it's more a case of looking at where we will be in say 5yrs or more that is the real issue and why.
    If some boaties are happy to get ripped off and shafted by the govt and big corporations and can afford to absorb infinite cost increases then that's their perogative, personally I prefer to exercise my democratic right to ask questions and demand answers and not just sit back fat and dumb accepting whatever is imposed on me gleefully.Just because I personally can easily absorb any cost increases doesn't mean that I shouldn't question the reasons behind it and that's quite apart from considering the struggling family man who just wants to take his kids fishing on the weekend but finds himself walking a financial razors edge.
    There are a whole range of boaties and fishermen out there from very wealthy to dirt poor and to take the attitude that just because I personally can afford endless cost increases and don't give a toss about anyone else is pretty un-australian I reckon not to mention selfish.
    Of course you are entitled to question any price increase..but alas you never get real answers from Govt or Corps...I work on the principle that if there is something I cannot do anything about then I am not going to lose any sleep over is way too short for that.

  8. #68
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    Quote Originally Posted by rough_shag
    If the whole planet is floating on readily available easily extractable crude oil then I have 2 questions-Why is the USA so interested in the middle east?
    -Why isn't oil based fuel cheap as chips?
    Jace..I can think of a couple of reasons why the USA is middle east absorbed...
    1. To have a base to protect israel.
    2. Iraq has 10% of the world's readily extractable oil ol' GW has to make sure that US economy stays vibrant and is the world leader...but...china's economy is thriving and obviously they need oil and other raw 2005 china was consuming 7.2 million barrels a day..hence the reason oil prices are surging...GW needs to try and slow china's economy to keep the US in front as the world's leading economy. China is now doing deals with Iran...kinda explains why the war sabres are being rattled towards Iran..just let Condi Rice loose..she is one hell of a hawk.

    Thus ends my spiel on the world's problems.

  9. #69

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    To run the Rescue Boats, the lads will have to shake the tin's louder and longer

  10. #70

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    this bloke had it pegged ages ago,,,,,,,,,,,(don't know where i got this from,,, but i love his determanation)

    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  11. #71
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    choppa.. I think he is getting ready for the marine parks. (fishing in the near future)

  12. #72
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    I used to run my car on NGV (ie. Natural Gas for Vehicles)

    It is the same stuff that people have running to their homes to cook on.

    The principles behind it are similar to LPG except that it is stored as a compressed gas rather than as a liquid gas as LPG is.

    Anyway it has not quite the octane value as leaded fuel but higher octane than the normal unleaded we are useing at the moment.

    It is an incredibly clean burning fuel and when I did an oil change the oil came out looking like new.

    It increases engine life and it doesn't have any of the other problems that LPG has.

    I ran my car on this stuff for many years.

    When everyone else was paying about 80 cents per litre for fuel I was filling up at the equivalent of 21 cents per litre. This price was fixed by the consumer price index.

    Unfortunately however, to the best of my knowledge, Natural Gas for vehicles is not sold in the Brisbane area any longer and subequently I now have to run on petrol like everyone else.

    There was talk of home charging systems being available where a compressor would pump your home natural gas (which is the same stuff) into the tank overnight so that the car would be ready to drive in the morning but alas I have heard no further comment in relation to this matter in recent times.


    PS: I am thinking of going for a small 4 cylinder for my next car.

    I am a large man. About 6 Foot 3 ( short in the legs but long in the body)and about 170kgs

    Does anybody know of any small makes of car which are still roomy enough on the inside so that they are still comfortable for the ample gent such as myself?

  13. #73

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    Hows it goin Louis,give the Nissan Pulsar a try or the Toyota Corolla or Mitsubishi Lancer, these all seem to be pretty roomy-I am 6'4" and pretty solid but manage these cars fairly well.Cheers!Jace.

  14. #74
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    Thanks Jace

    I appreciate your reply


  15. #75

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    When I got my licence in 1981, fuel was 23.7 cents a litre. I drove a Valiant. 265. It was quick and thirsty. Now, its $1.30odd a litre and rising. A good trip on a weekend in the Berty now costs me around $800.00 to $1000.00 bait, food etc. A day out for a hundred bucks or so would be heaven to me.
    NEWBY T.G.

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