hehe that sounds like a plan, I think I will too, I love a whinge!
hehe that sounds like a plan, I think I will too, I love a whinge!
Come tomorrow i will put a 1,000 litres of diesel in my truck
to do my job and on wednesday i will do the same again.
1,000 lites equals $1,400- a fill up.
Going out in my boat for pleasure at about $120- is nothing.
I know what i would rather be doing.
You have hit the nail on the head.
It's all about prioritizing.
Would I rather spend a day or 2 at the reef and come home with an array of lovely reef fish to feed my family and friends or would I rather go out and pay an exorbitant amount of dough to eat half rate food and drink too expensive wine at a sad excuse for a restaurant.
I Don't fear for myself when it comes to fuel prices. I fear for my kids will not enjoy what I have already enjoyed!
Retired Honda Master Tech