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What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre?? - Page 7
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Thread: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

  1. #91

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    Pay it or row. Ether way Iam still going fishing.


  2. #92

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    It seems to be happening sooner rather than later.

  3. #93

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    I guess we will do the same thing as when fuel hit the $1.00 per litre. Before then I'd guess there were umpteen people asking the same question "What will we do when fuel hits the $1.00 per litre mark?" Well hit the $1.00 per litre mark it did and beyond but has anything really changed? Nope. We still fuel the boats up and we still fuel the cars up to tow them to the water and we still go fishing. Australian people just knuckle in and budget better to make things work and "SURVIVE." It's what we do. We always compensate in other ways. The fact is we love fishing and will do anything to make sure we can still get out there. Seriously I think the days of running V8's will never be over. There will always be people on large incomes who can afford to run them but for the average Joe who finds it tougher each day there are compromises ie: Trade the V8 inboard for a slightly smaller boat with a more fuel efficient 4-stroke for example. In my case I have started small. I knocked around Wello, Green and St.Helena islands for around $10 with my 25hp Tohatsu powered tinny. I guess the bigger the boat, the bigger the expenses huh?


    Last edited by Poodroo; 22-05-2007 at 07:36 AM.

  4. #94

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    Looks like the dunny paper is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in lieu I will use the saving for fuel....


  5. #95

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    Iwill spend more time on the pier at Urangan. Sold my boat, getting ready for the move north, will buy another, 4 stroke & still go fishing .The price for the older 2 stroke powered boats will drop most likely. Leigh
    Last edited by lee8sec; 22-05-2007 at 08:31 AM.

  6. #96
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    Caltex predicts petrol will hit $3.34 in a decade

    Article from:
    Justin Lloyd
    March 05, 2008 11:34am

    The country's biggest fuel company says petrol prices will rise above $3-a-litre in the foreseeable future, and says Australians are lucky they aren't already paying more.
    As outrageous as it may seem, the cover of the latest issue of Caltex's magazine The Star features a cover predicting some time in the next decade when prices are 334.9c per litre.

    The publication, sent to employees, franchisees and resellers, includes a foreword from managing director Des King saying prices in other countries were already more than $2 a litre and consumers have had to adjust to these.

    "We understand consumers may be upset about the prospect of long-term higher prices in Australia," Mr King writes. "However, it is a prospect we all have to face."

    Mr King was unavailable for comment yesterday, but a Caltex spokesman said if Australia's exchange rate dropped back to 50c to the US dollar it could also contribute to price rises.

    "Nobody likes to think of petrol prices going higher. The idea for the futuristic cover is that we have to be thinking about the future of the industry," the spokesman said.

    "It's not just about price - there are a range of other very important things to think about when we look at the oil industry.

    "We can't just take it for granted."

    Mr King believes prices will soar over the next few years as crude oil supplies dwindle and governments introduce charges to combat climate change.

    The cheapest petrol in Sydney yesterday - the cheapest day of the week - was 128.9c per litre at the United in Kogarah Bay.

    Caltex believes higher crude oil costs, global refining capacity shortages, higher fuel quality standards and the introduction of carbon costs by the Government to address climate change will lead to further rises.

    While ten years ago crude oil was $US10 a barrel, recently it reached more than $US100 a barrel.

    The magazine says there is no collusion when it comes to pricing, but competitors watch each other closely and prices can change quickly after a week or so of discounting.

    A BP spokesman refused to speculate on future petrol prices, but said Australian prices would be worse if the market was not as competitive as it is.

    "We sympathise with motorists," the spokesman said.

    "Petrol prices have increased significantly over the past few years.

    "It's something that's hard to bear for families out there."

    Petrol prices in Australia are the fourth lowest of developed countries.

    In 2006, Mexico, the USA and Canada were the only developed countries where petrol was cheaper.

    Turkey, Norway, The Netherlands, Belgium and the UK were the highest, with prices the equivalent of more than 240c per litre.

    An Australian Competition and Consumer Commission inquiry into petrol prices last year found no obvious evidence of price fixing.

    With petrol prices already biting into the family budget, further rises will be a blow to Chiswick mother of two Fiona Gee.

    "I always watch the prices and generally they go down on a Monday so I wait 'til then to fill up," she said.

    Looks like we will hit $2 within 3-4 years


    Last edited by seabug; 05-03-2008 at 06:18 PM.

  7. #97

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    methinks that the petrol companies are having there work cut out lately trying to keep the lid on all the new fresh idea that are coming out of the braintrust for alternate energy, and are rallying togeather to try to make the most of a fast diminishing resource which they controlled for so long.......afterall who are we to go against them......we are lucky afterall to pay so little at the pump on fillup time they tell us...and there is no pricefixing if thay all raise it in unison on thursdays and public holidays ect... now, the last time i looked , i dont believe that i , or all other consumers are that stupid, to stomach this , but what do you do, besides trying to cut down on your consumption , or raise the price of your services,if you are lucky enough to have your own business.

  8. #98

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    I wonder how a little sail would go on the centre console.

    Someone might have to come up with a hybrid sailing/fishing boat.

    Other than the derelict fishing boats the boat people used to attempt to immigrate to Oz in - has anyone thought of doing that before?

    Can you imagine us complaining on this forum about the endless days of calm weather - when are we going to get some stiff Sou'Easterlies to get us out to the Banks


  9. #99

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    Wondering if they have taken a leaf out of Qld labors and selling porkies, ie right now youve got it lucky and softening us all up, seems like the decisions been made,, bit like Morton Bay.

    Tangles KFC

  10. #100

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    One thing for sure, we will see more dangerous actions on the water due to 4 blokes in a 4.2 tinny with 40hp heading 50km offshore for an overnighter!

    The hybrid sounds great it's just half the time I cannot fit the time to go fishing in even with a vroom vroom!

    cheers fnq

  11. #101

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    Have you heard about this dvd at your local video store called " A crude awakening " ?
    It's a doco about peak oil , supplies ready to run out soon ect ect. I got it out for a laugh and woohah ! , scared the crap out of me !
    I'm no expert but I hope this film is wrong or not fillin'our boats cheaply is the last thing to worry about.

  12. #102

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    Now that this thread has once again surfaced I heard on the news this morning that by the end of the decade it is predicted that our fuel prices will get up to $5 per litre. That's got to hurt.


    He who aims at nothing is sure to hit it.

  13. #103

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    Double Post... please delete Mods. Thanks

    Last edited by Poodroo; 05-03-2008 at 08:05 PM. Reason: Double Post- Can one of the mods delete please?

    He who aims at nothing is sure to hit it.

  14. #104
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    yep..and the world is heating up..oil is running out..i am sure there will be a Y2010 bug somewhere soon..$5 a litre....will just have to up the charges some more..people are buying bottled water at about $3.50 each so what is 5 for some fuel.

  15. #105

    Re: What will we do if fuel hits $2.00 a litre??

    You guys have got it all wrong, Buy a bloody old timber boat, weighing 20 tonnes or more, 40' foot or more, go out in any weather, power it up with a 120 hp Diesel using 8 litres per hour and have the time of your life!!
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