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Fish kill 1770!!!!  Help! - Page 5
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Thread: Fish kill 1770!!!!  Help!

  1. #61

    Re: Fish kill 1770!!!! Help!

    Hey Tony & Phill,

    Any more updates on this situation?


  2. #62

    Re: Fish kill 1770!!!! Help!

    I got 3 minutes on John Miller yesterday. He is a great guy, like most of the people at 4BC - they are “real” There is no glory grabbing here - the producer knew me and was more comfortable with my reporting and some people feared a local backlash. Phil and Tony were Ok with me appearing

    Someone gave my name to the marina owner who called me ....

    I reported what I was told by EPA staff - that EPA did not respond to hot line calls after hours.

    Today I get calls asking me who said that - they want his name. Guess what I was thinking ?

    Anyway - we have finally stirred up a hornets nest.

    If they never find my body you guys have to promise to take my 2 boys fishing every now an then? Deal?

    The fish tests will take a week or so - and I have been promised a result.

    Phil’s blockbuster issue is also getting attention on 2 angles - but I leave that up to him.

    Again I have to say – the guys in 1770 did a fantastic job - all I did was make a few calls and thought of some new buttons to push.


  3. #63

    Re: Fish kill 1770!!!! Help!

    The story of the fish kill made page 11 of The Bundaberg Newsmail.

    No mention of the problems with the Authorities.

    Further, Talking Fishing, with Dave Downie ( Nugget ) this Sunday on 4BC 1116am on the radio, about 6.30am Dave will be talking to Tony regarding the fish kill.

    ON the good side, I fished the estuary this arvo / evening and found the system in good shape as far as Barra, Grunter, Bream, Moses perch and Cod are concerned. NO further signs of problems, but the place still has an ' odour ' to it.

    We will keep you informed.

    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  4. #64
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Fish kill 1770!!!! Help!

    Good on ya mate for doing your bit.

  5. #65
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: Fish kill 1770!!!! Help!

    Sooo - does anyone know what it was or is....................last year we had fish kill in the Maroochy River and it was some idiot poured termite pesticide into the water somewhere ( or down a stormwater drain.)

    The short sightedness and blatant criminal neglect of ordinary man continues to astound me. Do people juts not care anymore.


  6. #66

    Re: Fish kill 1770!!!! Help!

    WE WILL NOT LET THIS REST, until we achieve a result that satisfies our concerns.

    The test results are coming, but take time. Stay tuned.

    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  7. #67

    Re: Fish kill 1770!!!! Help!

    Today on Talk Back Radio....4BC... Talking Fishing with Dave Downie ( Nugget ), Tony, myself and Gary Fooks spoke about this problem. Hope you early birds caught it !

    Further information has come to hand, but yet to be absoutley confirmed.

    EPA hotline for " fish Kills" will only act if the callers are , Police, Ambulance or Fire Brigade ! WTF !

    Jeez I hope this isn't right.

    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  8. #68
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Fish kill 1770!!!! Help!


    I hear what you are saying about possibly only responding to Police, Ambulance or Fire Brigade reports.

    I heard this in an incidental conversation yesterday on another matter about potential pollution hazards.

    I mean what would some of us know about potential or actual pollution given for example that I have only 32 years practical experience and training on these matters I can really see me going into a discussion great depth with and ambulance worker who went to a half day seminar on the subject. But such is the modern world, we have instant experts everywhere and providing you have a certificate that really makes you the supreme expert.

  9. #69
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Fish kill 1770!!!! Help!

    If the EPA are out of the Gladstone or Rocky office, you can expect no action.
    Just look at their history around the Gladstone region when it comes to pollution and wildlife kills.
    Like fish kills, dugong, turtles, air fallout, oil spills and the list goes on and on.
    Perhaps anglers should ask or demand answers from their local sitting member as to why this situation is occuring and don't leave their office until your satisified.

  10. #70
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Re: Fish kill 1770!!!! Help!

    Quote Originally Posted by karana

    I hear what you are saying about possibly only responding to Police, Ambulance or Fire Brigade reports.

    I heard this in an incidental conversation yesterday on another matter about potential pollution hazards.

    I mean what would some of us know about potential or actual pollution given for example that I have only 32 years practical experience and training on these matters I can really see me going into a discussion great depth with and ambulance worker who went to a half day seminar on the subject. But such is the modern world, we have instant experts everywhere and providing you have a certificate that really makes you the supreme expert.
    So am I to assume, if I am walking along the beach and sight 1000's of dead fish on the beach, because I don't have a uniform I obviously can't be trusted to adjudge said fish to be dead.?????????

  11. #71

    Re: Fish kill 1770!!!! Help!


    You need to read it in more detail mate

    What one officer told me was that AFTER hours and weekends they dont respond

    Others had trouble getting to someone to answer a phone on weekends

    The result in this case was that teh samples were too old to do a pathology

    So if you see dead fish - grab samples - freeze some, refrigerate some. Take photos, call the police and ask them to call EPA. take the police officers name and note the time
    Call EPA during business hours.


  12. #72

    Re: Fish kill 1770!!!! Help!

    seems funny that they can find human remains, fossils etc and determine cause of death when they are 5000 years old
    Maybe they dont want to know the cause of death to the fish

  13. #73
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Fish kill 1770!!!! Help!

    "The samples were too old to do pathology".

    Samples were frozen within 4 hours of the original post and I advised freezing given that authority contact was difficult and especially the time of week and possibility of elapsed time since death.

    The advice was given following the Noga Table (modified) for the keeping of fish samples for examination. Although freezing is not the best way to keep fish for examination given the circumstances the fish are still generally good for a range of examinations.

    The whole incident appears to show an absolute lack of interest by the authorities.

  14. #74

    Re: Fish kill 1770!!!! Help!

    Still have heard no results from the authorities concerned!!
    Will start phoneing around on Monday and persue these results.

    I am glad that this problem does not appear to be ongoing, every organism in the estuary would be dead before the test results came back!!!

    or am I just being kept in the dark

    Regards, Tony

  15. #75

    Re: Fish kill 1770!!!! Help!

    Hi Tony
    Maybe Monday is the day they lock you up in a little dark room somewhere out of site and sound because you are asking to mant question. Stick with it and keep pestering them for result. I will come up and break you out the holding cell.

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