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Thread: Suggestion: How-To Section

  1. #1

    Suggestion: How-To Section

    Howdy Fellow Ausfishers...
    Not sure if this has been suggested before, or even of the merrit of the idea, but I thought I'd throw it up here for discussion anyway.

    A How-To section.
    I have picked up so many usefull ways of doing things on here, from filleting fish to launching, etc etc.
    Occasionally, I have had the need to review this information and have found it difficult locating said threads.

    Having this section would not only be a handy resource for others, but it might encourage others to post their knowledge of specific topics and help avoid multiple threads asking "How do I do ......"

    So, what do you reckon?


  2. #2

    Re: Suggestion: How-To Section

    I like the idea , I also have hunted a "how to" that I have read before and with my beer brain cells [smiley=beer.gif] sometimes remembering just where to look is a little foggy.
    Take photos and memories leave only footprints, respect the enviroment when 4 wheel driving , never be too busy to help out someone in need.

  3. #3

    Re: Suggestion: How-To Section

    we have so many sections already and half the members can't even post in the correct one.......don't think it's gonna fly Orville

  4. #4

    Re: Suggestion: How-To Section

    if you find info that you want to retain whynot copy and paste into a word doc and save it on your harddrive and when you get enough burn them to a cd and you then have your own collection of how to's that are relevent to you.

  5. #5

    Re: Suggestion: How-To Section

    How about a 'Best Of Ausfish' forum Lucky Phill has come up with some top threads lately ie making sinkers and d.i.y. live bait tank... then theres the Ants in Play Pen and Blazes boat re-build(s)... [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

  6. #6

    Re: Suggestion: How-To Section

    Good call Matt and good advice Blaze.

    Yes Dane, I have gained so much over my time here, it would be a great innovation. I do what Blaze suggests and copy and paste the topic add, to a works program.

    All suggestions like this are welcome , but may not see fruition. But, ya never know.

    CHeers Phill
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  7. #7

    Re: Suggestion: How-To Section

    If you never ask, you never receive.

    fish2eat - Just becuase a member can't post in the correct forum doesn't mean there is no need for an extra forum. Education is the key here.

    blaze - the *really* important stuff I do something similar to that... but why go to all that effort? I like alot of Aussies have DSL, so my internet is always on. Why duplicate the information on my hard drive when it is available 24x7 here on ausfish.

    Lucky_Phil - To be perfectly honest, your sinker thread was one of the threads for the inspiration behind this section. Unless that thread gets stickied (Not sure if it is) it will eventually get lost. Its the nature of forums.

    Personally, I believe Ausfish would benefit from a "how-to" section. I think it would stimulate posting as ausfishers seem to be amongst the friendliest I have come across and are always willing to share their knowledge.

    If you guys in your wisdom decide it isn't warranted, I promise I won't loose any sleep


  8. #8

    Re: Suggestion: How-To Section

    Great idea. I'd vote for it.

    All those in favour say "Aye"...

  9. #9

    Re: Suggestion: How-To Section


    I reckon its a ###### idea. I suggested something like it when Slider started posting on tailor fishing.

    Its probably too much of an imposition on the mods to have to paste the stuff in - but rather than another board, I reckon it belongs up on the blue line of stuff at the very top of the page - ie Products, Hints and tips, How to, etc.


  10. #10

    Re: Suggestion: How-To Section the idea Matt. Hope it gets up.

    Ranger 188VX - "Sweet Chariot"

  11. #11

    Re: Suggestion: How-To Section

    Tony, even that would be great.
    There is just so much important information in alot of these threads, some kind of an indexed view of them would be priceless (Well, in my humble opinion anyway)

  12. #12

    Re: Suggestion: How-To Section

    Think it is a great idea but.......................................

    On some "how to" topics you can get anything from one to one hundred replies with usually well intended advice and/or ideas.

    Many are repetitive whilst some others could get the beginner into trouble - been there dun that!

    Someone would have to edit all the replies and then keep only the best one - what a job!

    As it is this way, the poster at least gets to read them all and then makes up hus mind which is the best way to go.

    Again, I reckon it is a sound idea but the Webby would probably go nuts trying to work out say eighty replies on how to apply fibreglass or fix a small hole in the floor.

    Don't intend to rain on the parade all the same!!

  13. #13

    Re: Suggestion: How-To Section

    I agree too. For what my two-bits may be worth. I know the search function is a great help in locating this stuff but some indexing would definately be worthwhile...maybe a lot of extra work for the boffins behind the scenes though and understand their reluctance if they do have any?

    These great ideas are what mostly brought me to the site and joining Ausfish. As I'm new to the fishing scene here I've found this site a tremendous asset as I'm sure have others.

    Great job guys and really helpful members.

  14. #14

    Re: Suggestion: How-To Section

    i agree too. ausfish is a fantastic brains trust and i don't think editing would be an issue we all do it mentally every time we read a post. you pick what you think is applicable to you and dissregard the rest.


  15. #15

    Re: Suggestion: How-To Section

    i personally think a how-to section would be a good idea. On a few car forums im a member of there are how-to and tutorial sections where uses submit a tutorial or technical article, rather then sifting through archiving past posts or threads.

    Obviously with something as ambiguous as techniques for different species and locations a how-to would not work, and the forum provides a great way of getting this information. But for things such as reel maintainence, knot and rig tying, engine and boat maintainence etc where there is a clear method that works most of the time a how-to section would work well and would serve newbies and seasoned vets alilke and keep repetitive posts out of the forum sections.

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