Ausfish Bronze Member
Boyne River "NEW PONTOON"
The Government has announced a dollar for dollar funding up to $70,000 for the proposed Boyne River pontoon at the BRAY PARK boat ramp. The construction project is the idea of the Boyne Tannum Hookup and is to be further funded by profits generated by the hookup fishing event.
What we need next is for the Boyne River mouth to be dregded and made safer for boating.
Re: Boyne River "NEW PONTOON"
The pontoon will be a great addition to an already nice spot. It will give you somewhere to tie up whilst retrieving your vehicle and also make it easier for loading of people, especially the aged and children.
To dredge the mouth is a big ask, we both know that it needs it but I can't see it happening in the near future. It would make the river more usable and accessible for the larger fishing vessel as well as the recreational users.
Good to see the pontoon has kicked off.
Ausfish Silver Member
Re: Boyne River "NEW PONTOON"
I agree with you & think the pontoon will be great for the boyne river & will certainly make it easier for getting both the younger kids & older folk in & out of boats.
I too think dredging the Boyne river mouth is a big ask. Definitly needed, but can't see it happening for a while yet.
Talking about Pontoons in the Boyne river. Did you see the News feature in the middle of todays Gladstone Observer. It's a great article of some of the residents of Bindaree lodge (a retirement village just up the road from Bray Park) enjoying a day out fishing on that new Boyne Barbie Boat. One of the guys is 88 & looks so happy to be out on the water.
Re: Boyne River "NEW PONTOON"
Didn't see the article, but it sounds as though they were having a good time. That BBQ Pontoon boat is perfect for taking the oldies out for a day.
It will be even better with the pontoon for them to board.
Ausfish Bronze Member
Re: Boyne River "NEW PONTOON"
Hi guys, Just trying this out on Matt's profile. It's Dags here. Just been reading the comments relating to the river mouth and pontoon etc.. I have to admit its been a very hard slog with my first letter going to parliament way back in 97... then thousands.. well many anyway after that relating to the river mouth. The initial pilot channel was supposed to be nearly 50 m wide but alas when they struck the underbed rock it was narrowed up a bit then the $50,000 budget was also blown out to waaaay over 300k... then the machine which was supposed to be doing to gave up so the gov organised another but the tidal run beat it so they gave up...and nothing has been done with it since...
We are now lobbing, and have been for a few years, just for the government to clean up the existing channel but alas there is no money available and they keep coming back to me saying that with the 250,000 tonnes of sand migration across the inner plug (the inner end) and also that they is an all weather marina in Gladdie that they won't do it.... well... we're the squeaky wheel and will keep pestering them.
Regarding the pontoon... we have exciting news which will be announced at the Hookup.....
I have also been reading Jason's comments on fishing the Hookup chasing Barra... interesting. For a while now I have toyed with the idea of a section in the event where you have a team of four and you ahve to catch, tag, measure 6 species (which are in the comp) off shore and 6 inshore species (also already in the comp). Pics are taken on an Offical Hookup Brag mat with the pics showing date, time etc.
I posed a question to Bill Sawynok wondering whether GBRMPA would open up a green zone for the comp and allow those who are in the section of the comp to fish it as we really don't know how the green zones are doing and it'll be only after a few years of collect data at the same time of the year each year will a picture of it's health be truely determined.
Bill reckoned I'd get a flat NO... and it was all too much work for me and the other five who organise this huge event... at the end of the day.. we need expert people with heaps of drive to carry this section of the event thry organising programs to manage it and also sponsorship to reward those who do the hard yards..
Food for thought Johnny
Sorry my piece was sooo long...
Ausfish Bronze Member
Re: Boyne River "NEW PONTOON"
Sorry DAG's,
I let the cat out of bag and stole your thunder by announcing the NEW Bray Park PONTOON funding arrangements. I thought it was a bit weak that news publications outside of Gladdy gave it a mention but the Observer seemed to have over looked it.
Green zones DAG's, your braver then me. Could open up a real can of worms. I wouldn't speak to loudly around your pro-fisherman mates, sore point that would make you real popular.
Jason is now a fishing celeb and carries a strong point of view on stocked barra impoundments, it dosn't make him right or wrong.
Are you proposing to only allow ANSA members to fish in a team of four, as most anglers don't have a clew on tagging methods, etc.
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