On the weekend I wanted to show my brother my new found preferred boat ramp at the Lota end of Manly Harbour.
Without sounding like a drama queen, the attached photo is what we found, and we both felt ashamed of the careless polution that some outside fisho/s had left behind. It is not uncommon to find fish frames disposed in the water, but not only were there frames, but WHOLE FISH!! >
The people who left this behind had a good day out on the water, there was a huge amount that you can't see in this photo, being in the water. But you can see what I think is a jobfish the two seagulls were pecking at when we arrived. I was hoping that the whole flock of birds were going to arrive, there's no way these two were going to clean it up all by themselves!!
How do you dispose of your unwanted fish frames? I hope the people responsible for this mess are only one bad apple in a bunch of responsible fishermen.