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Bad Apple In a Bunch
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Thread: Bad Apple In a Bunch

  1. #1

    Bad Apple In a Bunch

    On the weekend I wanted to show my brother my new found preferred boat ramp at the Lota end of Manly Harbour.

    Without sounding like a drama queen, the attached photo is what we found, and we both felt ashamed of the careless polution that some outside fisho/s had left behind. It is not uncommon to find fish frames disposed in the water, but not only were there frames, but WHOLE FISH!! >

    The people who left this behind had a good day out on the water, there was a huge amount that you can't see in this photo, being in the water. But you can see what I think is a jobfish the two seagulls were pecking at when we arrived. I was hoping that the whole flock of birds were going to arrive, there's no way these two were going to clean it up all by themselves!!

    How do you dispose of your unwanted fish frames? I hope the people responsible for this mess are only one bad apple in a bunch of responsible fishermen.


  2. #2
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: Bad Apple In a Bunch

    hey there

    kel usually only scales the fish in the boat and fillets them at home and freezes the frames
    he says he wants to make burley out of it or use it for crabbait

    although it fills up the freezer i think its a good idea

    i hate it when ppl only think about their enjoyment and simple pollute the places they go
    be it fishing remains or other rubbish

    regards anya

  3. #3

    Re: Bad Apple In a Bunch

    Hi Anya,

    Have another look, I was having trouble getting the photo attached and you replied before I could get there. Yes, I have a freezer full too, but it will usually go out on bin collection days, or I use the frames for crabbing, or dump the frames well out to sea so the crab population gets a decent feed. Not at the boat ramp!! Whew, it was a little "on the nose" too. > >


  4. #4

    Re: Bad Apple In a Bunch


    Some always make it bad for a few.


    Ian does something similar. He gills and guts them out on the water and then fillets and skins them at home and put all the off cuts in the freezer and empties it on bin day (if he remembers). We bought a separate chest freezer for him so he doesn't fill up the "eating" freezer.


  5. #5
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: Bad Apple In a Bunch

    yeah i figured as much from your description even without seeing the foto

    it sucks big time
    and yeah the smell would have been very inviting

    i think if i would have been there, i couldnt have helpd but make the location worse by chucking my guts up (me sensitive to bad smells)
    i guess it would have reminded me of the holidays in spain little fishrestaurants and the bin onbly coming once a week

    tossing it over board in the bay or at sea is a good idea too, giving it back to join the foodchain once more.

    things good be so easy couldnt they, if some ppl would simply jump start their two remaining braincells >

    i think the only thing we can do is to tell ppl of when we see them doing it
    i certainly will do it when i see someone leaving their rubbish behind be it fishframes or other rubbish

    you said there were whole fish as well
    now whay the hell would they leave a whole fish behind
    why keep it on board if you dont wanna eat it or dont know what to do with it just release it

    i really dont get that that is stupid
    gosh that makes me mad [smiley=angryfire.gif] [smiley=furious2.gif] [smiley=wut.gif]

    Nomes thanks for your tipp with the chestfreezer maybe its an idea indeed
    and putting stuff in the bin every now and then i will remember that for sure

  6. #6

    Re: Bad Apple In a Bunch

    Not only bad form from a littering point of view, but anywhere north of Gladstone and throwing frames etc in the water at the ramp is very much frowned upon. Not sure if it's illegal.
    Attracts the big smiley lizards [smiley=shocked.gif]


    The whole world's mad save thee & me (but I'm not too sure about thee)

  7. #7

    Re: Bad Apple In a Bunch

    I have seen this a few times at the local ramp I'm not sure if its just one person or more but it seems to happen alot on either sunday night or early monday morning most of the fish are legal size .
    Its beats me why anyone would go to the trouble of catching fish just to leave them on the beach next to the ramp .


  8. #8

    Re: Bad Apple In a Bunch

    Hi Brian , I value every fish I catch and I use everything I can. If I have enough frames in the freezer for crabbing, I get the fresh frames and take the 2 girls ( 2yr old and 4 yr old ) down to the water and feed the pelicans.

    The girls love it and the pelicans get a feed and provide a show for us and any tourists or on lookers. Some times get 30 plus pelicans competing for the frames.

    Win Win situation

    Talking about Golden Beach in Caloundra.


  9. #9

    Re: Bad Apple In a Bunch

    Quote Originally Posted by Owen
    Not only bad form from a littering point of view, but anywhere north of Gladstone and throwing frames etc in the water at the ramp is very much frowned upon. Not sure if it's illegal.
    Attracts the big smiley lizards [smiley=shocked.gif]

    Hi Owen,
    You mean the extra large mud gekkos?? I wondered about attracting another variety of Crustacean that might give you a nasty nip while wading around the boat ramp as I often do, when launching and retrieving the boat. Might pay to have the net handy, there could be a side benefit resulting in crab being on the menu!!

    Hi Peter,

    I am a little careful feeding birds at the boat ramp, which may/may not be an issue for people. Pelicans seem harmless enough, but the more tame they get, they almost can be considered a public nuisance for some. Don't get me wrong. I love the pelican and their nature, but I certainly would not feed any bird of any description on Fraser island for example. The local parks and wildlife staff are likely to slap a fine on you for not desposing of frames responsibly. I remember being with an uncle at the cleaning tables at Spinnacker sound marina, Bribie. He threw a spanish mackerel head to a pelican, which became stuck in the pelican's throat. Right up until we left, he was still trying to dislodge it, it was just too big to go either way. Not good!!

    Just be careful!


  10. #10

    Re: Bad Apple In a Bunch

    I usually feed the pelicans my leftovers at the ramp, never considered it a bad thing but I'll keep it in mind.
    I don't like tossing frames in the garbage bin as it just gets dumped on the open tip then it stinks there and attracts the flies and birds. It might be out of sight for some. I prefer to put the stuff back in the ocean where it gets eaten. If its rough I'll fillet & clean in the Broadwater, never at the ramp.

  11. #11

    Re: Bad Apple In a Bunch

    Hi Brian, thanks for the advice. I will need to check on the rules up in Caloundra. Have done this for quite a few years with no worries, I really only catch bream & whiting so no fears of them being an issue for pelicans.

    I never feed them at the boat ramp or on the populated beach. If anyone knows the ruling 100 % for Caloundra I would love to hear from them. Have never seen a sign or anything else to advise it's a no can do.

    Might be a good topic for a post for other ausfish members to comment on but I will probabally get caned


  12. #12
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Bad Apple In a Bunch

    I heard on the news a few years ago that a woman was fined by an overzealous ranger for feeding pelicans. The charge was "Illegal disposal of fish waste" or something along those lines... I'm not sure what state that was in but it sounds a bit over the top to me.... I generally cook my fish whole so waste is minimal. I'd like to boot some of these scumbags that litter around fishing spots and ramps fair up the arse and if I catch anybody dropping their crap around my stompin'ground that's what they can expect (and a little bit of a swim with it > >)

  13. #13

    Re: Bad Apple In a Bunch

    I'm a naughty boy

    I used to take my big shovelly carcases to a skip outside a certain shopping centre as they wouldn't fit in my bin. I would wait till nobody was passing then dash out of the car and hurl 'em into the skip.

    I was shopping there one day and when I parked up the car there was an almighty stink
    Unbeknown to me, the skip had been replaced by a container before my last visit and my shovelly carcass from 4 days previous, had landed on it's roof


    If you go out looking for friends, you're going to find they are very scarce. If you go out to be a
    friend, you'll find them everywhere.
    (Zig Zigler)

  14. #14

    Re: Bad Apple In a Bunch

    Quote Originally Posted by kingtin
    I'm a naughty boy

    I used to take my big shovelly carcases to a skip outside a certain shopping centre as they wouldn't fit in my bin. I would wait till nobody was passing then dash out of the car and hurl 'em into the skip.
    Was this one your previous avatar... you held approx 5 to 6 feet...
    funny about stink after days...

  15. #15

    Re: Bad Apple In a Bunch


    I used the frames for next crabbing trip and now I'm no longer to crabbing since family commitment. So I often toss frame in the bin...
    But good news if you often go offshore like I do.
    Then thaw the frame and chop it up and create the burley trail...
    Other wise my mate Young_mind says he put frame into meat mincer to create his homemade burley for next trip...


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