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Boats N Bites - Bris 31 - Page 2
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Thread: Boats N Bites - Bris 31

  1. #16

    Re: Boats N Bites - Bris 31

    Bill Corten will also be showing it at the Fishing Expo stage before presentations start each day. The show will be shown tonight and the others shown on Briz 31 will be repeats of the same show.

    Fingers crossed there will be more in the pipeline.......


  2. #17
    Ausfish Platinum Member timddo's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Re: Boats N Bites - Bris 31

    bummer, i can hear it but can;t see the pictures, oh well, my eyes can read ausfish, while my ears can listen.

  3. #18

    Re: Boats N Bites - Bris 31

    when i watching bris31 last night they were saying about a fishing programme on sat night at 8pm.
    sounded good. hope i remember to tune in

  4. #19
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Boats N Bites - Bris 31


    Top effort on the telly, the program came across in very practical way, I much prefer your format to the flashy, noisy, more commercial type shows.
    Hope to see more of the same in the near future.


  5. #20

    Re: Boats N Bites - Bris 31

    Yeah I enjoyed it , was easy to watch.

    Pity about your rod, hope you did'nt let him near a good one.


  6. #21

    Re: Boats N Bites - Bris 31

    What channel is it if you have foxtel??

    Live every day as if it's your last - for one day you're sure to be right!

  7. #22
    Ausfish Platinum Member skippa's Avatar
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    Jul 2002

    Re: Boats N Bites - Bris 31

    Yeah good show Leeann,

    He really was a 'boofhead' eh, no way I'd let him near a $500 rod either.
    Pity I missed the first bit with Bill, guess I'll tune in Thurs or sat.

    Nice looking Southwind err Southern Star ya got there too.

    I wonder why all the fishing shows are on Sat at 5.00pm

    Anyways good show, kinda takes me back to the Chris Conroy world of boats days.

    Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem Bright ...... untill they speak

  8. #23

    Re: Boats N Bites - Bris 31

    Loved the whole thing,

    Very informative for the beginner boatie, up to date info on the capacity labels, good bar crossing tips - the biggest tip never to lose your cool and try turn around during a crossing. But the cardinal markers... I wish I recorded it. Black band between yellow top and bottom means west?? N/NE I dunno.

    I was distracted half way through when one of my family wanted to speak with me, so I lost my concentration.

    What "boof head" would break your rod Leeann? I hope it was not one of your favourites!


  9. #24
    Ausfish Silver Member Herm's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Re: Boats N Bites - Bris 31

    Leeann Thanks for giving us the heads up!

    Missed the first bit due to kids but saw the cardinal markers and you! What a lovely flatty! I bet it tasted good!

    Must admit that seeing that guy break your rod is not giving me warm feelings about lending Pete my new G Loomis for a quick session in the morning! I will be waiting for it's safe return! As Scalem said - I hope it wasn't one of your fav's!

    Be sure to let us know of any more episodes!!!


  10. #25

    Re: Boats N Bites - Bris 31

    Missed tonights show but will catch it on saturday


  11. #26

    Re: Boats N Bites - Bris 31

    Great show, well done. Hope you do many more.

    Better than the flashy commercial shows. Loved Bill's bar crossing segment.

    Keep going.


  12. #27

    Re: Boats N Bites - Bris 31

    Quote Originally Posted by skippa
    Nice looking Southwind err Southern Star ya got there too.

    Hey Tony,

    No big deal, a lot of boats have similar lines these days, but I always thought Bill had a Cruisecraft???? Maybe a 625 outsider? Am I wrong?

  13. #28
    Ausfish Platinum Member skippa's Avatar
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    Jul 2002

    Re: Boats N Bites - Bris 31

    Yes Scalem,

    Bill's boat is a CC and from memory a 625.

    I was refering to Leeann's boat, nice little Southern Star with 100 Yammie 4 banger.

    Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem Bright ...... untill they speak

  14. #29
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Boats N Bites - Bris 31

    Damn, I can get Briz31 but didn't log on till this morning and wasn't aware of it......oh well, catch it later

    If it has Bill Corten and Leanne Payne they can't go wrong, two "real" people who know their stuff !!

  15. #30

    Re: Boats N Bites - Bris 31

    Quote Originally Posted by skippa
    Yes Scalem,

    Bill's boat is a CC and from memory a 625.

    I was refering to Leeann's boat, nice little Southern Star with 100 Yammie 4 banger.

    Sorry Tony, I'll go have another coffee!

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