heres my two bobs worth....
i smoked and i drank ...ONCE..
I DO NEITHER NOW AND ALSO GIVE AWAY THE "other" because that can cost u more that smoking and drinking put together ...
I DO NOT have any issues with them that smoke and good luck to all of them ..
i think they have got the raw end of the stick....
i believe and always will ... pubs are meeting places for the workers so they can get together and have a drink and a smoke and talk about the sheilas....
to solve the problem was easy ....
keep the pubs for us workers and a place where we could go to have a drink and a smoke and if u go ..u knew that was going to be the case ...
the other TRAVENS.... where all the " others " can meet and when u go ..u know there is no smoking ... and talk about the weather or what ever .....
thats what i think... snappa