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Thread: Woody Point Jetty

  1. #16

    Re: Woody Point Jetty

    got my first shark there - a small bronzie years ago. vrey special place. the b-gee boys used to fish there as kids too. i hope it's gonna be reopened soon, and there isnt some other conspiracy behind it. it's a great place to get some livies before goen to one of my favourite jack haunts near there. always herring there in summer. hope it aint too long!


  2. #17

    Re: Woody Point Jetty

    i fished there for years even fell off the end into the jelly fish when i was younger they used to have some boards you could stand on below the top of the jetty and be able to sit on them and fish but they should blow it up now it is full of concrete corrosion make a reef out of it and build a new one out from the end of the road onto the reef


  3. #18

    Re: Woody Point Jetty

    Hate to be too cynical, but ever noticed those great blocks of land that front the water at the end of the Jetty there?

    I have no idea what it is that extremely wealthy have against us poor sods having fun, but if they're going to build on those blocks, they probably don't want the horrors of kids enjoying a "jetty jump" on a hot summer day. Or to cast their eye on smelly old salts floating half pillies out for choppers.. Look how they chase all the people off Morteon, and then land prices went through the roof, even old Koringal shop became a bloody night club! Ya gotta get rid of the commoners if you want land to be worth a quid.

    I'd say it's a building push comming up.

    Then again, although it was a very long time ago I fairly smached my father's 14 foot fishabout into that jetty. Not just once, but I got myself all muddled up underneath there, and smacked it against one pillar to another at least a dozen times. My mate I'd dropped off at that ladder, so he could race off to the tackle shop at the end of the jetty for minute refused to look back, but reckoned I was shaking the thing like an earth-quake as he walked the whole lenght of the jetty. Reckoned it sounded and felt like a wrecking ball at work under the thing. All it was one of those days it was shoulder to shoulder with people hangin hand lines into the drink to boot.

    I can laugh now, but hell I was panicking. Slam! into the pillar in front, and as I waited for the engine revs to drop back enough to engage reverse, so I could try and get out; without looking, I'd gun it in backwards and slam into the pillar behind me.
    The percussion sent me forward, and as I panickily messed with the controls, waiting for the revs to drop again, to engage forward, I didn't notice I'd drifted right up against the pillar in front again. Revs dropped back, I slippped it quickly into forward without looking up, gave it the gun again; BAM! into the front pillar again. I mean like hard as hell too.

    No crap, I did it at least 12 times. Pieces of jetty falling into the boat, filling it up with chunks of history..I had rusty pipes and rat shit falling into my hair, mind screaming in madness as I set about smashing dad's nice Quintrex into a chunk of alloy.

    Yeah, come to think of it, it was prob my fault they've had to close it lol.

    sorry all

  4. #19

    Re: Woody Point Jetty

    Well it is official, the poor old girl has been condemed. The redcliffe city council has applied for $2.5 million to replace it. Lets see if that happens. I hope it will be, a lot of ppl grew up on her.


  5. #20

    Re: Woody Point Jetty

    Seeing its been quiet on top of the jetty has anyone snuck in close with a tinnie and had a fish around the pylons of late??? If not someone should, well anyone except Rob probably. Oh, here's a thought, they'll have to let out a contract for the demolition of the thing soon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  6. #21

    Re: Woody Point Jetty

    The jetty at bribie island was repaired a few years back lets hope the redcliffe city council can get its act together and give the old girl a face lift .
    It would be sad to think the old girl could be knocked down just to make way for a couple of holiday units .


  7. #22

    Re: Woody Point Jetty

    I have fished there a few times, she looked a bit dodgy, but not bad enough to close!

    MAybe they might build a new one for us? Hopefully beside the old one, leaving the old piles in place for some structure to fish!

  8. #23

    Re: Woody Point Jetty

    it's a shame the jetty has been condemed i spent many hours fishing on it with the folks when i was growing up.

    guys keep us informed.

    ... i only work to support my fishing addiction.....

  9. #24

    Re: Woody Point Jetty

    Jason I will keep my eye on the Redcliffe Herald. Hopefully the council will get the money to replace the old girl.


  10. #25

    Re: Woody Point Jetty

    GTF if you live in redcliffe with the elections coming up I'm sure the council would be only to glad to suppy you with any info on what is happening to the jetty.


  11. #26

    Re: Woody Point Jetty

    Bundy I will give them a call in a couple of weeks to see if any progress has been made on the application they have made for the money to replace the old girl. You know the wheels of gov mostly grind in reverse so it will take that long at least. Too many ppl cut their teeth with fishing on that jetty and it deserves more than being demolished without being replaced.


  12. #27

    Re: Woody Point Jetty

    i hope they make it out of concrete so it lasts forever [smiley=furious2.gif]

  13. #28

    Re: Woody Point Jetty

    Condemned????? So the council spent good money in recent years on a nice new shelter and cleaning tables, maybe it is more years back than I remember but would have thought that the jetty would have been surveyed before the shelter was built and that the structure would have to have a life expectancy of more than 4/5 years or am I wrong. Could very well be the new exclusive high rise about to be built want it removed. No rentals in this place I believe, have to all be owner occupied and the prices for a ground floor unit start in the $800k plus. Would think the jetty an asset to such a property, would be most upset if I had bought there and the jetty disappears. Hope that the money is forthcoming from the council. This place is the only place I can take my father in law for a trip, he can't fish anymore but it brings him fond memories. If they tear it down and don't rebuild it we will not be going back there.

    One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce and canonized those who complain.
    Thomas Sowell

  14. #29

    Re: Woody Point Jetty

    I saw people cueing up to go fish today!

  15. #30

    Re: Woody Point Jetty

    [flash=200,200][/flash] I remember back in the late 60's when the waves from cyclones would break over the woody point jetty and we would walk out, with surfboard under arm, to near the end of the jetty and jump of and surf back in. But then we were young and stupid then.

    Now we dont get any cyclones and they have closed the Jetty "temporarily". What next??


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