The one thing I did notice was the prices of EPIRBS. New 406m was $399 and the old 300m was $145. Otherwise first time to this show so cant really compare.
The one thing I did notice was the prices of EPIRBS. New 406m was $399 and the old 300m was $145. Otherwise first time to this show so cant really compare.
the boat show was free ONCE ...........![]()
"whats the time"
Originally Posted by snappa
You must be as old as I am!!!!
Gee - I have just looked you up and you are!!
I vaguely remember it being free as well - usually at the Ekka grounds. They used to have a lot more sail boats in those days.
7 bucks for a sausage on a roll
I understand that you must make a profit but I starved myself through it on principle.
I didn't make it, had to go fishing.
Awesome glassy morning on the Broardwater Sunday.
Beats the shit out of driving to brissy and being ripped off.
Very much enjoyed Mono's live-baiting talk on Friday, got a good deal on a pair of Spotters from Sundown (thanks for giving us the tip-off about this Birdy)
And also had a thorough look through the Dominator 7000. They really are an awesome boat aren't they Foxy. Have also arranged to do an on-weater day on the Dominator in a week or two.
Ranger 188VX - "Sweet Chariot"
In the past there were a lot more tackle outlets at the show, more competition driving prices down. This year Sundown had some stuff but not too many lures, Springwood had only a little (cheap reels though), Northside had bugger all and there were a couple of cheap import shops. As far as fishing tackle goes nobody was realy competing against each other for our $$$, IMHO. I find some stores that don`t go to the boat show offer bigger discounts during the duration of the show. I must admit though I enjoy the talks on stage as I always learn something new.
The tinnie and tackle show was far more interesting although the fishing expo talks I went to were excellent.
Too many duumf duumf ski boats and pink shoe boats for me![]()
guys i found that jasons chat on snapper in the bay full of infomation,[thats cause i cant seem to catch em], the food was shit and costly. and found out why i should go to these things on a week day, no stress, no shoving and pushing[ i love that bit]. but what i dont understand is the fact that at any show be it the tinny and tackle show or the brissy boat show that some of the better plate boat builders are not represented. just my outake cheers ian
Seems to be more of the same every year. Just a giant trade display of all the new boats that I can't afford to have as they want ridiculous amounts of money (then again, we all knew that). The tackle stands even seem to be getting fewer and further between, with most just being slices of a particular retailer's shop. But, it's a good excuse to get out for the day, if only to dream and ponder, "What if???" Such is life....
I enjoyed the boat show..some great boats to have a look at...some of the talks were very informative...bloody beer was as dear as all hell.
I was not worried about the tackle displays as it is a boat show..tackle & tinnie seems to cater more along those lines.
I would have gone but some one stood me up!!!!!!!
Wonder who that could have been??????
I think it was a great show. I took the old man along for fathers day and (to mums
disbelief, threats of divorce, casturation etc) he decided to purchase a Markham Dominator![]()
He was initially undecided on whether to buy a large boat or smaller tinnie, so I told him I was lookig for a smaller boat, which he was more than welcome to use. So he said stuff it, looked mum in the eye, said "get the divorce papers ready" and handed over the deposit.
On a more serious note, he is getting on a bit and not in the greatest of health, and with one of his best friends dying in a car accident a couple of weeks ago, he realised you only live once so make the most of it.
And I will.
But otherwise same old same old.
((Why do we have to pay when the benifits of the show are directed toward the product manufactures and dealers? ))
Trust me guys the BIA who puts the show on dosnt make life any easyer for the dealers that have stands at the show some of the bigger stands cost $60.000 in rent and and another $50.000 plus to put on thats over $100.000 and none of them would make that back in show profit wise or not many anyway.
what i found funny was the motor companys with there TV's blairing all saying the same thing ;we are the fastest; we are the cheapest; blah blah blah and some of them only meters from the otheres
having spent the last few months in boat show mode im glad its coming to an end 12-14 hour days on my feet are taking there toll lol
cheers robbie
I thought it was much better than the poor effort they had 2 years ago. I did not make it last year to compare.
I had a purpose this time, looking for a motor for a mate.