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A Red or Two or Three
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Thread: A Red or Two or Three

  1. #1
    Ausfish Premium Member webby's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    A Red or Two or Three

    Not having a dig at anyone, just wondering your thoughts on the below.
    Is the obsession of targeting one species and persistenly hitting the same area trip after trip after trip,
    turning some fishos into a stereo type and their sense of exploration and willingness to explore and target other species left them .
    or Maybe its the visualisling of a gleaming 6-8kg red sitting next to them as they pose for the 100th photo,
    or maybe they havent caught a fish of this size before and a one track mind sets in.
    What if the proposed bay closures came into effect tomorrow, where would it leave them.

  2. #2

    Re: A Red or Two or Three

    Hi webby
    if the bay closures came into effect (in which we hope do not) would break the stereo types habbits i always fishing the same areas but never the same spots different seasons of they year different type of fishing.
    and i am always on the look for different fishing holes when i get out
    although i do know some that always fish the same spots all year round


  3. #3
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: A Red or Two or Three

    hi Webby, if i look back over my 20+ years of angling there are plenty of "one track mind" fixations when i was eight it was whiting, in my teens it was tailor off the beach, later on it was jungle perch in crystal streams up north. Then it was a metre long barra (never quite got there) then it was a snub nosed dart on fly. At the moment i am looking for a big red on plastic. I might find one or i might get distracted by another target. So It's not that i don't have a willingness to explore. Its more that when a i open a new angling chapter in my life i often sink right in, especially while the learning curve is still steep. I still love to catch whiting and tailor off the beach And i miss the barra fishing and flats fishing i had when i lived up north. But it is a great joy to revisit past obsessions as it is to find new ones and also to explore current ones.If they close the bay i'll find a new obsession. I'm sure most anglers on this sight would agree that the best part of fishing is trying to put together the pieces to the puzzle and to delude ourselves that we have it "all worked out"

  4. #4

    Re: A Red or Two or Three

    G'day Webby,

    I generally fish for the same species, but in different spots. Guess that still make me a stereotype though. You make a good point, and give us something to think about.

    Perhaps if fishing can't be our thing in the future, thanks to the greenies, we could take up greenie tossing - since dwarf tossing is no longer socially exceptable - can't see anybody objecting to the tossing of a few greenies about


    Live every day as if it's your last - for one day you're sure to be right!

  5. #5

    Re: A Red or Two or Three

    I thought this thread was going to be about red wine

  6. #6

    Re: A Red or Two or Three

    I think people fish for different reasons. Some like the score board approach and are drawn to catching the biggest or the most of a species. This can be reflected through behavior such as the old style fishing comps (or even in the new age bream and bass pro style ones) or even looking for recognition on sites like this or among friends or peers. This type of motivation can lead to a strong concentration on a particular species and a focus on specific locations that have paid off in the past.

    For others the biggest thrill is in the act of fishing and the quest for new locations, techniques and species all add to the experience.

    When I was much younger I worked on occasion, commercially line fishing for reefies. We could catch over 800lb overnight. To me this had no relevance to the sport in which I participate now. To me it would be pretty boring to chug out to location X each week or so and use the same technique to fill the esky with your bag of 8kg Reds. To me this has little of the magic fishing can provide. My most memorable experiences have been finding a new location and applying my knowledge to come up with a game plan with a positive result. I love it when a plan comes together.

    I am not a supporter of fishing closures unless there is some pretty solid scientific support for them helping the fishery as a whole but if restrictions came into place then I think most of us would just move on to some other location and adapt the skill we have developed to suit the new spot. of course if the restrictions are widespread then there will be a lot more pressure on alternative locations

    Variety is the spice of life



  7. #7
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: A Red or Two or Three

    Well I suppose that I am a little quilty of the above but I am of the school that you never leave fish to go to a spot where there are no fish.

    In addition to this line of thought I also say if you want to go fishing and you know where fish are - Dur go there!

    However, with the different options around these days I now tend to vary my approach. Meaning Last week I was fresh water fishing in local dams and this week I am salt water fishing in open water.

    Where I am guilty is I go hard when I find where the fish are and will target the same spot for a couple of trips in a row, until the fish move on.

  8. #8

    Re: A Red or Two or Three

    Yeah I thought it was about Red wine as well and when I read 1,2,3 I thought now we are getting into red wine hangover country I hope someone had the cure.
    Take photos and memories leave only footprints, respect the enviroment when 4 wheel driving , never be too busy to help out someone in need.

  9. #9

    Re: A Red or Two or Three

    to "specialise" in one species is the best way to get to know how to catch them, but you must change your specialty from time to time or you will soon become "stereo typed" but this is not really a bad thing, just one persons way of fishing/relaxing, I know a bloke and his nick name is Barry Snapper, no prize for guessing what he specialised in! but to look for only one species is a quick way to learn about tides, baits and so on, then move onto something else, that way when you go on Holidays or whatever, you will be able to give "something" your best shot!

  10. #10

    Re: A Red or Two or Three

    "stereo typed"..

    thats me ..

    love catching .."snappa"

    in 80/90 mts ...................
    "whats the time"

  11. #11

    Re: A Red or Two or Three

    Hi all
    will guy's i've yet to catch that elusive Jack as yet catch most other species and this year i do intend on catching Jack one way or the other

    Hi hornblower mate will you are tossing some greenies around i'll have some with the $100.00 dollars on them

    OoH oops you was talking about tree huggers > > Sorry?!?! and throw a few pollies in there with them including beatup Back-flip

    (Perhaps if fishing can't be our thing in the future, thanks to the greenies, we could take up greenie tossing - since dwarf tossing is no longer socially exceptable - can't see anybody objecting to the tossing of a few greenies about )

    as for the tree huggers i think we can all stand in line to throw a few around on a one way trip so they do not return


  12. #12

    Re: A Red or Two or Three

    Hi Webby, "maybe they haven't caught a fish of this size before and a one track mind sets in" I think I fall into this group .

    If the proposed bay closures came into effect tomorrow, I guess we would all be forced to look for new legal grounds in the bay. Or would have to go back to what I know which is whiting & bream in the passage.


  13. #13

    Re: A Red or Two or Three

    Man I would just love to not be having to work or run around after the family for a while JUST TO GO FISHING !!

    Anything would do me so long as I could put it on a plate that evening

    Geez, you blokes have it made
    If men are from Mars, and women are from Venus, politicians must be from uranus ?

  14. #14

    Re: A Red or Two or Three

    Actually Brian i need about twenty types of fishing banned immediately so i can be limited to just 2 or 3 styles !!!!! I have just purchased rods number 34,35,36 with 36 comming in around the $ 1200.00 mark( It was a bargin!! ) I have to stop spending money on fishing tackle!! I need therapy [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]

    Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!

  15. #15
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: A Red or Two or Three

    I think most people , mostly offshore fishermen tend to go to the same spots , not to over fish the area , but when you get 1 good day in 6 weeks to go out , i know where i'm going , to where i know i can catch fish .

    Sometimes there's just not enough good days to go exploring .

    Personally i like going to new areas , and sometimes it pays off . But i still fish areas that i'v fished for years , so add me to the list .


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