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Thread: A Red or Two or Three

  1. #16

    Re: A Red or Two or Three

    For me it depends on how often I am fishing at the time. If I am fishing regularly, I usually narrow it down to a couple of productive spots. If it becomes a couple of weeks or months between trips, I will usually try a new mark or one I haven't fished in a while.
    I live on the gold coast so our offshore structure is a lot flatter than the bay or outside moreton and different areas of the same reef go on and off.

    As far as the closures of the bay go, I can't see a species that would benefit from them.

  2. #17
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    Re: A Red or Two or Three

    Great White..the passage is part fo the bay so if the closures do occur you may not be able to fish there either.

    Personally..I enjoy my winter bream fishing in the for snapper, squire etc..never caught any and not losing any sleep over it.
    I enjoy being on the water whether I am fishing or not.

    Now Webby..break out the red.

  3. #18
    Ausfish Platinum Member T1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: A Red or Two or Three

    Hi All

    I'm with SOLWOTA! I have had fixations on certain species/spots until i feel i have it worked out then i'll go onto another. At the moment, it's Wello Pt. Next perhaps will be Mud? But i think it's part and parcel of fishing - for me anyway... Sometimes, i just want a feed of fresh fish so will go to known productive spots to acquire.

    Take Care T
    home is where the loan is...
    Helping people get the RIGHT Home Loan

  4. #19

    Re: A Red or Two or Three

    I after to agree in what was sempre reply and when I do head out I always seem to catch one fish species and I always try tagert other species so I can get a mix bag hardly every happens
    If they try bring closures in the bay i will making my own serect special spot [smiley=rolleyes.gif] to go fishing on


  5. #20

    Re: A Red or Two or Three

    Quote Originally Posted by Redspeckle

    If they try bring closures in the bay i will making my own serect special spot [smiley=rolleyes.gif] to go fishing on


    If you do make that spot, make sure it's in a spoil ground or on a bit of reef!!! It would be terrible to goto all that effort and have your new secret spot end up on the sorting tray of a trawler

    Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!

  6. #21

    Re: A Red or Two or Three

    I love flathead fishing and yes i fish for them most times but blackfish is also one of my targeted speices so i guess im in the stereo type fisho i love soft plastic fishing but since Wishy sent me the email the the chalange is on in Noverber the 25th im all out practicing breaming on SP so look out Webby round three in coming, are you going to be Wishys co pilot again and yes mate you have to use those soft thing again with 4lb braid gee lifes hard
    cheers squidgie

  7. #22

    Re: A Red or Two or Three

    Quote Originally Posted by Marlin_Mike
    I thought this thread was going to be about red wine

    i thought he was talking about the communists .

    Quote Originally Posted by Hornblower
    ... can't see anybody objecting to the tossing of a few greenies about ...
    apart from the difficulty in getting the SMELL out !

    You have a valid point about fishing structure hugging species brian. When was the last time you heard of a snapper being caught off Snapper Rocks on the Goldy or from Amity. In the 50's they used to provide, but being landbased their resident populations couldn't handle being hit daily.

    These days the advent of GPS and seaworthy craft mean closer inshore structure are now recieving the pressure landbased structure went thru.

    A wise farmer leaves a field fallow every couple of crops but how can a fisherman do that when another guy will hop into his spot in the months he isn't fishing it..

    i don't know the answer.

    Quote Originally Posted by webby
    What if the proposed bay closures came into effect tomorrow, where would it leave them.
    may be some old bearded boaties stuck in their ways will be getting sand between their toes


  8. #23

    Re: A Red or Two or Three

    I am sure everyone can say 'fishing ain't what it used to be'. And I am sure it will continue until something radical occurs to reverse that trend.

    Of course this is not any one particular groups responsibility, it will take concerted effort across all industries and social groups to reduce the impact and stress on our natural resources. And it will take some pretty hard measures at some stage to do this (not very popular I am sure )

    As the saying goes, think global act local.
    So spreading your personal impact upon any resource is a sensible thing to do .
    So why continually pound the same footprints in our waterways ?

    Of course most anglers are likely to hit the same spot each and every time, and if you hear about someone doing well in an area you are likely to give it a go too. No problems with that.
    But, what you choose to kill and take with you is YOUR decision alone.

    I believe catch and size limits of ALL species is the key to our resource future.

    I personally like to try different areas at different times during different seasons. Not for the greenie streak in me, but because it can get quite boring doing the same thing all the time.
    Personally I am so sick and tired of catching bream, flatties, whiting, mud crabs etc.
    Who could enjoy bread and butter all their life?

    So for my 2cents (extra lol ). . .

    If you are wanting to specialise your skills, then please be a catch and release fisherman. Thank goodness for the change in fishing to a culture of catch and release.
    The SP revolution can only help by reducing the impact on the bait resource too.

    If you are targeting a particular species for the feed, then I hope your eyes are not bigger than your stomach .

    I do love fishing and I am currently introducing my Nephews and young daughter (2 years old) to the fantastic past time that it is.
    It is certainly a shame I cannot easily give them that thrill I experienced at their age.
    And I am sure those of you who do remember the days when you could troll up some nice fish in the upper reaches of the Nerang River would think the same about my generation.

    Sorry for getting a bit full on so I will now zip it

    You say fish, I say yes please.

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