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Boating and Fisheries Patrol Feedback. - Page 3
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Thread: Boating and Fisheries Patrol Feedback.

  1. #31
    Ausfish Premium Member webby's Avatar
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    Aug 2001

    Re: Boating and Fisheries Patrol Feedback.

    Some good points so far, keep them coming.
    The reason for all this is, that a study by Fisheries on how these law enforcers can be more beneficial or utilized in the duties they preform.
    So hopefully when the revelant info is passed on and they find areas or lack of enforcement or other ways to utilized them, we may see or hope to see them used more effectively.
    they cannot enforce laws or bag limits that are not inforce, so we have to look elsewhere to remedy this problem.

  2. #32

    Re: Boating and Fisheries Patrol Feedback.

    Not much to add but in NSW they had a measuring sticker for the boat with species pictures on them as well as legal sizes and bag limits. It can only reduce confusion if these were given out.
    As everybody has said...more policing would be good especially on public holidays. How many of us stay at home on public holidays just because we don't want to run the gauntlet that the better known water ways are becoming. A prime example is the Pin area on week-ends and especially public holidays.
    If staffing is a problem why not have authorised people taking some pictures of the few fools or doing some PR/educational work at the ramps, jetties etc etc freeing up the paid staff to do hands on policing. I'd put up my hand to help with that one.

  3. #33
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Aug 2005

    Re: Boating and Fisheries Patrol Feedback.

    Lived on the Gold Coast for 11 years now and have never been approached in the boat despite getting out on the Broadwater at least once a week, They need more resources.

    In addition, the media could play a greater role by following through on court appearances and convictions. If the barstaards keeping undersize had their names and mugs in the papers or on the news it would deter others who seem happy to cop a fine and continue on keeping undersize

  4. #34

    Re: Boating and Fisheries Patrol Feedback.

    Obviously a Q/Land problem.
    Only joking, Fisheries are spread farely thinly down here in NSW as well, hopefully you will be passing all these comments on to the Study?
    Down here all the info and stickers are available after a short phone call to fisheries, they're more than happy to post them out, especially to fishing clubs, I've got more info and stickers than club members.
    But all of this will not stop the low lives that rort the fishing stocks of OZ. Policing and Education as stated on numerous occassions is the only way, but our Governments both Labor and Liberal (Coalition) alike aren't keen on spending our taxes where we want them to.
    Our beaches are mainly patrolled to stop the pippy exodus, not fish stocks but at least they do patrol them.

  5. #35

    Re: Boating and Fisheries Patrol Feedback.

    Quote Originally Posted by finga
    If staffing is a problem why not have authorised people taking some pictures of the few fools or doing some PR/educational work at the ramps, jetties etc etc freeing up the paid staff to do hands on policing. I'd put up my hand to help with that one.
    Scott, this already exists and is called a fishwatch volunteer.

    "The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
    (Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)

    Apathy is the enemy

  6. #36

    Re: Boating and Fisheries Patrol Feedback.

    I think I have been inspected once in the 18 years I have been fishing in SEQ, so I also back the need for more funding and at least a doubling of the staff and patrols.

    Another issue for me is the fishwatch hotline. I have called it a few times to report illegal activities, and everytime the response is the same. There is no one in the area available to investigate. Why bother reporting it?

    "The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
    (Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)

    Apathy is the enemy

  7. #37
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Boating and Fisheries Patrol Feedback.

    In my oppinion the problem is manning levels and until that problem is addressed i dont think we can expect any change. I live in cq and know of people going and plundering reef fish and never see an officer at the boat ramp at day or night but have encountered them on the water and are very obliging but i think some shamitures have excellent hiding places that they bring fillets home in.On the other side if they the DPI had the people available and hammered everyone on a lot more occasions then they probably would be looked down upon because you would think that they are targeting you . So either way they do good job and our guys here are very community orrientated and also keep an eye on our very young boaties which is also good to see.
    regards smee.

  8. #38
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Boating and Fisheries Patrol Feedback.

    I believe an increased focus on boating safety would go a long way in helping reduce general boating and fishing infringements.

    If the boating public is better made aware of their responsibilities in regard to safety gear and boating safety in general, this responsible attitude would flow onto fishing regs too.

    Education is the key to raising awareness, electronic and print media have a big role to play. Safety seminars, instruction and demonstration of safety equipment and practical use of the gear.

    Subsidised open days could be conducted periodically at VMRs and CGs to facilitate the safety seminars.

    There does seem to be a lack of co-ordination and consultation between
    the B&FP, water police and MSQ. Maybe the DPI B&FP has too much on it's plate, and it's time for a dedicated MSQ boating safety patrol to look after the boating side of things.


  9. #39

    Re: Boating and Fisheries Patrol Feedback.

    I've been pulled up twice in 20 years....... perhaps boat ramps would be a good start for partrols particularly towards 10am when boats start coming back to the ramp. Great way of targetting a lot of fishos with little effort. Possibly more officers.... they're just spread way too thinly. Fishwatch hotline seems to be a waste of time as there are NEVER any patrols "in the area" to cover the calls.

  10. #40

    Re: Boating and Fisheries Patrol Feedback.

    Quote Originally Posted by gelsec

    Maybe the DPI B&FP has too much on it's plate, and it's time for a dedicated MSQ boating safety patrol to look after the boating side of things.

    Before the election there was a study to have the B&FP split away from the DPI might be back on the agenda now that the election is over although everything seems to have gone quite.

    One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce and canonized those who complain.
    Thomas Sowell

  11. #41

    Re: Boating and Fisheries Patrol Feedback.

    Good to see they paid Somerset a vist last week, nailed 1 idiot and were on the look out for wankers using a gill net, Cheers Whitto

  12. #42
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Boating and Fisheries Patrol Feedback.

    Quote Originally Posted by LeeannP
    I've been pulled up twice in 20 years....... perhaps boat ramps would be a good start for partrols particularly towards 10am when boats start coming back to the ramp. Great way of targetting a lot of fishos with little effort. Possibly more officers.... they're just spread way too thinly. Fishwatch hotline seems to be a waste of time as there are NEVER any patrols "in the area" to cover the calls.
    It is a great way of targeting a lot of fishos with little effort, but will it prevent them from re-offending, or will they take their chances again next time. I fear they would move to a more remote location or ramp the next time.
    Be pro-active and not re-active to the issues, or they can abolish fisheries and just have cops at ramps permanently.
    If the mentality behind illegal and/or unsustainable fishing isn't addressed the 'you know who's' will have plenty of ammo for an argument to shut everything down.

  13. #43

    Re: Boating and Fisheries Patrol Feedback.

    Jeremy is on the money with Fishwatch being a dead end. No point haiving it if we cant report bad pratices. And i have never been inspected in my 25 years of fishing down the Goldy, but now i have been fishing the Bay i have been inspected 3 times in a year and have also had them drop bye to inform me of the no planning zones.

  14. #44
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Boating and Fisheries Patrol Feedback.

    Hi Webby,
    I think it's common knowledge that most offences of malisious nature either occurs in remote locations or after dark. I'm not partularily talking about rec-fisher either.
    These are also the places that are most precarious for QBFP.
    More Boating Police presence is what's needed.

  15. #45

    Re: Boating and Fisheries Patrol Feedback.

    Quote Originally Posted by finga
    If staffing is a problem why not have authorised people taking some pictures of the few fools or doing some PR/educational work at the ramps, jetties etc etc freeing up the paid staff to do hands on policing. I'd put up my hand to help with that one.
    Thats right on the money.

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