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Just interested to know how often you all fish - Page 2
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Thread: Just interested to know how often you all fish

  1. #16
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Just interested to know how often you all fish

    I'm a single guy living alone.. (Not counting my 2 dogs)

    Therefore I begin the drive home from work at 3.30 (from Bulimba to Brighton) deciding which ramp i will put in at and where i will fish. By the time I get home (4pm) I have had a chance to catch up on weather reports and predictions, and armed with this knowledge make my final decision on ramp and location....
    I reverse my ute into the driveway hook up "Sea Puppy" and off I go!

    This is an almost daily routine for me the only exceptions being the odd days where I have errands to run...
    It's not heaven but close enough not to make a difference to me!

    I love my life!


  2. #17
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Just interested to know how often you all fish


    Every Saturday and Sunday.

    Nat .

  3. #18

    Re: Just interested to know how often you all fish

    Pretty much every week on a Thursday

  4. #19

    Re: Just interested to know how often you all fish

    try and fish at least once a day, tides/ weather permiting ill fish both pushin tides . not that i can justify it not caught much other than mackeral this year. maybe if i went 4 times a day?......

  5. #20

    Re: Just interested to know how often you all fish

    it depends...
    but errmmm...
    i take days off for a fish EVERY WEEK!
    fishing is alot more inportant than an education...isnt it?

  6. #21

    Re: Just interested to know how often you all fish

    When I lived near the Burnett River, I used to go at least twice a week. Now I live in Emerald and its a 300km drive to the nearest decent fishing. Hoping to get out once a month though, thats the plan, see how it pans out, might be more


  7. #22

    Re: Just interested to know how often you all fish

    Me and a couple of mates try to go out on a wednesday night it tends to break up the week just nice and maybe a family fishing trip on the weekends.

  8. #23

    Re: Just interested to know how often you all fish

    Hey that poll's rigged. Should be a button for "No where near enough"

    As stated to the left .... forced to work. Days off never align with moons or tide. The old fella upstairs will have to arange things a little different I think.


  9. #24

    Re: Just interested to know how often you all fish

    Yeah, not enough, the weather up here in Innisfail has been pretty crap since Larry paid us a visit, mind you I have rebuilt trailer, reconfiged the boat fitted a new sounder whilst waiting for THE DAMN WEATHER TO IMPROVE. > > >

  10. #25

    Re: Just interested to know how often you all fish

    As i work on a wharf, i pay attention to the weather and try and get out on the reef every chance i get. I love seeing the harbour glassed out the night before my 5 days off.If i cant go out, then i'll throw a lure at a barra. Still need to spend quality time with the kids and the wife.


  11. #26

    Re: Just interested to know how often you all fish

    For me.. some times i get out once a week but with school and exams i get forced at home, sitting on the computer reading reports on Ausfish

  12. #27

    Re: Just interested to know how often you all fish

    I try for once a week sometimes twice or more, working five days a week does hinder fishing time but it does keep the boat payments up.

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