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Fish Smelling Hands
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Thread: Fish Smelling Hands

  1. #1

    Fish Smelling Hands

    Hello everyone,

    I was wondering if anyone had a remedy to get rid of the fish smell off your hands. I use soaker for clothes but have not really found anything that will take the fish smell from the hands.



  2. #2

    Re: Fish Smelling Hands

    I like the smell of baity fingers.

  3. #3

    Re: Fish Smelling Hands

    i've heard rubbing your hands with a lemon helps, but i just use some of that citrius hand cleaner before i get back in the car, slather it over your hands/arms, then wash off seems to work a charm.

  4. #4

    Re: Fish Smelling Hands

    simple, just wash in a diluted mixture of Dettol, works a treat to add a bit in the bath as well after a day out, and keep some sets of old clothes for fishing only, and wash them as normal but keep them in the garage or somewhere

  5. #5

    Re: Fish Smelling Hands

    Tablespoon or 2 of salt in the palm of one hand, few drops of water to form a paste, scrub hard at the fishy bits with the salt granules.
    Rinse and have a sniff.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member lippa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Fish Smelling Hands

    stainless steel. works trick!!! you can buy a block of stainlees steel "soap" at homewares shops. my missus stocks them. just rub the "soap under running water, simple as that!!!!!!!!!



  7. #7

    Re: Fish Smelling Hands

    Tackle shops sell aniseed soap. Give that a try.

  8. #8

    Re: Fish Smelling Hands

    no no no get some waterless hand cleaner it is 66%ethanol and woolwash believe me its safe i use it all time its called aquim hand cleaner it dreis instantly and will get rid of the most potent of smells it available at your local priceline pharmarcy

    cheers sharky789

  9. #9

    Re: Fish Smelling Hands

    Thanks to everyone that has replied.

    I will have to get the other half to try some of those ideas as I can't stand the smell of fish. Especially when he has been bait fishing. And yes I cheat when I fish - Ian takes the fish off the hook and if he can't then I use a towel.

    Thanks again.


  10. #10
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Fish Smelling Hands

    Have a smoke ...............Billy

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member Cheech's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Fish Smelling Hands

    I have been using the handwash called "Orange" that you can buy from supercheap. It works pretty well in masking the smell.

    Liquid solvol is not bad either.

    We also have detol liquid soap for general use, so after using the Orange, I then use the Detol. What one misses the other gets.


  12. #12

    Re: Fish Smelling Hands

    We have a large drum of Protecta-Pink which we use around the place when our hands get covered in muck. Bit on the dear side but it works better then anything else.

    There is however a cheap alternative which you can get at Overflow, but you got to be quick. Its a smaller verson of Protecta-Pink but in a 1 litre container with a black lid, and I cant remember for the life of me what its called. Its a mix of petrolium and some girly stuff (moisturiser ). Its green in colour If im right...


  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member roz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Fish Smelling Hands

    This topic has done the rounds a few times!!

    IMO.. there is a product available from the supermarket called 'Vanilla Fridge Wipe'.

    It is a food grade disinfectant/deoderizer, just wash you hands and spray a little on and rub done.

    Also brilliant for spraying on the clean up areas after filletting/cleaning.

    Aside from that, just get over it. Me thinks it's just part and parcel of fishing.

    Good luck Roz


  14. #14

    Re: Fish Smelling Hands


    Keep half a lemon beside you when you are going to fish or so on. It is easy to jam your fingers into it and rub them around a little. Especially useful if you are working on fish and the phone rings, only takes a second and the smell is gone.

    Lemons are cheap and you can use them for a lot of different things as well, fish chips and lemon, gin tonic and lemon and so on. Very versatile.


  15. #15

    Re: Fish Smelling Hands

    Why would you want to get rid of the greatest smell on earth?

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