Ran out of bait out on the reef one day, fished around in tackle box found a tin of corn kernals (used to catch murray cod on corn)decided to give it a try caught biggest trout of the day.![]()
Ran out of bait out on the reef one day, fished around in tackle box found a tin of corn kernals (used to catch murray cod on corn)decided to give it a try caught biggest trout of the day.![]()
Hi all, many years ago there was a fairly severe plague of mice out around my old home town of Inverell on the north west slopes and plains of N.S.W and the mice were thick everywhere including riverbanks. I used to catch the mice in mouse traps, which was fairly terminal for the mice, take them up the Macintyre river and strap them on a single 5/0 hook with a rubber band and flick them into a likely looking spot with a light rod. The Murray cod would have it before it would sink out of sight. Often the cod I kept(let most of them go) would be chocka full of mice. It was probably the caveman version of lure tossing. cheers,steve.
fishing of windang with a couple of rods catching a lot of undersize flathead so decided to send one back down to my amazement looked over at the rod had a bit of a bend in it so i thought i better wind it in felt like i was draging a boot up got to the surface it was a flathead about 1200 long greedy ol bastard let him sit there for a minute he looked at me let go of the flatty and swam back down to yanda
I was fishing for choppers and got a hit, i was pulling it in and whamo, it took of like a rocket, then out of the water came a 7ft shark. It took me ages on light line but 30 m from the boat and bang it was gone, but i still had weight. Got it in and i had what was left of about a 4 ft shovel nose shark. LOL
I found that makkas fries make exellent bait for bream in inshore waters.
At Heaven's gate a soldier stood,
his story ready to tell,
St Peter said, 'no need my son all is understood,
Go right in cos you've already served your time in Hell'
[hr]Spinning for tailor tunaman and hooked a 3kg fish that leapt out of control for about 10 seconds before being taken by another tailor nearly 3 times his size. That tailor leapt around for 10 minutes with the hooked fish in his mouth before severing the head which is what I ended up with.
Lindsay [hr]
I have had the same thing happen in the noosa river... Hooked onto a good sized tailor (guestimated 2kg) which was then monstered by a tailor almost 3 times larger... The larger specimen severed half his mate!
Everyones had a cool livebait/ deadbaits. Iam one of these blokes that likes to
try new idears. Like everyone, I tend to take some food with me, and I
have tryed all sorts of human food just to see what happens.
One of the best human food baits, was a hotdog.
I was fishing for bream with mulletgut, and on the way to the spot, I picked up a hotdog from the take a way shop. So befour get my hands covered in mullet gut, thought Id have my hotdog first.
Then I got the idear to try some of the sauage in the bun.
And the hotdog bait sat there for only 3 mins, and wack, I was on with
a honker of a bream, and no little bream, it nearly when a kilo.
So stuff the bite to eat, I got another 7 baits out of that hotdog, and caught another 2 nice bream.
I think the hotdog was cheapper for bait than the packet mullet gut.
I think I might take a kerbab next time and see how that goes.
signed tunaman
Ive been waiting for that one to turn up.![]()
Please dont use your pet fish.
For the sake of our water ways, goldfish are a very bad idea
But thats very funny young Bronson.
signed tunaman
Have used small Catfish to catch Large Catfish. Got to luv those fish with whiskers.![]()
Counted quite a few illegal baits in this post.![]()
. Illegal fish, undersize fish...
These livebaits/ deadbaits may have done in the interests of science, and in no way delibrate, or intentional. These specimens may have volunteered in the interests of discovery, and most were accidental or coincidental and none of the above was a deliberate act against the law.
No harm came to any hotdogs, french fries, rock cods, mud skippers,
dried apple, grinners, maidos, cats, satay prawns, snapper, jelly babies,
spaghetti, grasshoppers, catfish, mices, taitor, or corn, and the goldfish
used was rubber.![]()
Each one of these may or may not used baits, have ever been proven
signed tunaman
A little bit of . . . . . . "All characters and stories are fictional, any similarity with actual people, places or events is pure coincidence" never goes astray![]()
Although I do remember, this one time . . . at band camp . . .![]()
You say fish, I say yes please.
Going fishing tonight for bream. So what should I use.
So many choices
signed tunaman![]()