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Thread: How did you get the fishing bug?

  1. #1

    How did you get the fishing bug?

    Hello everyone. Was sitting here thinking back to the good old days when my father was alive and how he used to take the family out on fishing trips. Used to mostly do the fresh water trips out around esk in the days when it was unspoiled and ubundant in water. Fish species targeted back then were Yellow belly, garfish, Bass, and silver perch. I come from a family of four boys and only myself and one other brother got the fishing bug. So why didn't all of us get hooked when all of us were introduced to fishing? All I know is I love it and so does one of my other brothers. So how did it all start with you guys and gals out there? Feel free to share. Regards,


    He who aims at nothing is sure to hit it.

  2. #2

    Re: How did you get the fishing bug?

    I was born into a fishing fanily. Uncle a pro fisherman, rello's with boats, father who loved fishing.

    Was bought up on it round Currarong, Culburra, Greenwell Point Crookhaven River. My first rig was the old handline round the cork

    And when I was 7 I won a rod/reel combo on a chocolate wheel thing at a carnival.......... well that was it, I thought i was king the shite hot fisho with my new rod and reel.

    Been a mad fisho botie ever since


  3. #3

    Re: How did you get the fishing bug?

    I grew up in Tuncurry/Forster in NSW... I always think its such a quiet and beautiful part of nsw coastline...

    My mother and old mans mates first introduced me to fishing... I was watching them beach fishing catching all kinds of things, and remember seeing a turtle...

    I was then given a handreel... and started fishing off the co-op (fish shop) jetty catching luderick and bream... It grew on me and I use to go fishing every afternoon after school, and every weekend. I couldnt get enough of australias coastline... Clean beaches and the smell of salt in the air!

    My brother use to be more into fishing than me, and I now show much more interest in fishing/boating and conservative fishing than him... I think his experience on a fishing charter ruined the fun... he got seasick!...

    All I dream of now is fishing, boating and going to the beach...

    Funnily enough, I have never showed an interest in freshwater fishing! I think its the environmental factors... no salt, not sand and not many species!

    There is no place better than Australia!


  4. #4

    Re: How did you get the fishing bug?

    Quote Originally Posted by DazSamFishing

    Funnily enough, I have never showed an interest in freshwater fishing! I think its the environmental factors... no salt, not sand and not many species!

    There is no place better than Australia!

    Considering that I was first introduced to freshwater fishing I can relate to what you are saying. I always do the saltwater thing as well and I agree also on there being no better place than our very own country. We are extremely lucky to have what we have.

    Thanks for sharing as well Marlin_Mike. We sure are part of a very addictive hobby that's for sure.


    He who aims at nothing is sure to hit it.

  5. #5

    Re: How did you get the fishing bug?

    It all started with my first trip to our shack with my dad, it took two years to land my first but I was hooked then, my dad is my hero and the best fisho I have seen in my eyes and i will always try and be like him, and enjoy the places iam fishing and the fish is a rewarding extra.

  6. #6

    Re: How did you get the fishing bug?

    Weekends at North Stradbroke for me, and fairly regular trips to Pottsville and surrounds. My father is 70 now and we still get out when we can. My boys are 6 and 3 and becoming very interested in it too. My wife is from Bundaberg and her father and I became friends over many a trip to Miara and also the Burrum. Gotta love fishing

  7. #7

    Re: How did you get the fishing bug?

    never did any fishing as a kid, grew up joined the air force, left and then settled in far north qld and went fishing with an older gent that i met. had the bug ever since. sadly my old mate died of the big C and never got to see the boat i purchased to further my hobby. i still think of the old bugger everytime i go fishing.

  8. #8

    Re: How did you get the fishing bug?

    One of the first memories I have is one of catching a small Trout in Scotland. I was four years old at the time and my old crusty old Scottish Grandfather (dedicated fly fisho >) put a worm on a hook and threw it out for me .
    I can still recall the fish flipping about on the end of the rod. It seemed small at the time so it was probably the size of a pilly


  9. #9

    Re: How did you get the fishing bug?

    Hi Poodroo,
    In 1979,I was four,And found myself in a mexican stand off with a sizeable Flathead.I wouldn't give line,And she wanted to go.The result was me being pulled flat on my face.LOL.

    This incident hooked me for life.I then began my schooling in the art of angling.Hooking and playing fish,Tying knots and learning rigs,Baiting my hooks,Learning about fish and their habbits,Finding and catching bait,And graduating to other species.

    My family were boat builders on Breakfast Creek,They also spent alot of time on the water,And knowledge was forever coming freely.My Pop and my Uncle taught me a great deal,And went out of their way to take me.I can't thank them enough for the time they spent,And the knowledge they passed on.I am still learning today,And know I will continue to,Till I pass.

    I still have my Pops' tools. Hand drills,Spoke shaves,Mallets,An old timber spirit level with brass fittings,Tins full of brass nails and screws.I wish my Pop was still here so I could learn the old school ways of boat building.Not to mention wet a line with him.

    Today,It's braid,High tech baitcasters and Bass.Still learing,And still lovin me fishin.

    The Flatty mentioned above....Was landed Only after I was retreived from the wash,Handed back the rod,And told ta stop winggin,And start windin.The good ol days .

  10. #10

    Re: How did you get the fishing bug?


    Your non fishing brothers might have a little more disposable income than what I do, being the owner of a boat which always costs money They may be a little smarter than you or I these days, because I am averaging at least two packets of plastics per week + jig heads + fuel and maintenance..

    But there is no substitute for feeling like Dad is right there with us on those silky smooth days when everything clicks together and we catch fish too, which makes it all worth it! It's almost always a celebration of the good 'ol days when he took us out on the inflatable dingy, and we were too young to even know how to thread on a worm. That's how I got hooked!!


  11. #11

    Re: How did you get the fishing bug?

    Well I'd have to say , When i was in my mothers belly rolling down a steap bank , while she was checking some lines out at st george
    maybe !! Or holidaying at hervey bay, NOT SURE BUT EVERY MEMBER OF MY FAMILY ENJOY FISHING !!!


  12. #12

    Re: How did you get the fishing bug?

    Well, no one in my family really fishes but as a youngster I got given my fist rod and reel by my father for my birthday( I still have it to this day and am getting it ready to pass on to my daughter) So even though Dad was busy working his own business 7 days a week, I got to go fishing with friends and it just took from there.

    Years later I used my retail selling skills to get Dad to go 1/2 with me in a boat . Which was pretty good as he can't swim and didn't really like to fish. But being the Dad that he is he did it anyway. We both went and got our licenses way back then it was the old blue bit of cardboard

    Things slowed down a bit as cars and girls became more of a priority as did working 12 plus hour a days in my retail career. Then when wifey came along her parents had a beach house meters from the water in Caloundra. Her Dad a keen fisho as too is Janine, they had a little tinny and we would be out in the passage every moment we got

    Got a 4.3 mtr savage runabout about 8 years ago that was my 3 boat and now have the 4.75 stessco. Would fish every day if I could and am blessed with a wife who is keener than I am. Kids have been brought up correctly and are always around the water, boats and fish


  13. #13

    Re: How did you get the fishing bug?

    Hey Pete, have to agree about fishing every chance.......

    also helps that we live in God's gift to fishermen..... Redland Shire on the door step of Moreton Bay

  14. #14

    Re: How did you get the fishing bug?

    Its in me blood, I reckon.

    Ive been fishin since I can remember at places like Old Bar, Manning River Taree, Nelsons Bay, Karuah, Stockton Beach, Crowdy Head, Lake St.Clair, Glenbawn Dam, Chain Valley Bay, Hunter River and thats the ones I can remember.

    My Grandparents were fisher's and my family has a number of fishos and sailors all over the family tree.

    Im doing my very best to make certain my two babies grow up with the correct techniques for casting, knot tying and so forth.


  15. #15

    Re: How did you get the fishing bug?

    When I was about 4, my Dad took me fishing at Deep Water Bend. I caught a 20cm Bream on my little plastic fishing rod. I remember hearing discussions around legal size limits but Dad let me keep it on the grounds it was my first fish. We bought it home, cooked it up and I've been a fisherman ever since. Thankfully, that was probaby the first and last undersize fish I ever kept.

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