Thanx T1 for the info. Brownies has just been deleted from the favorites!!
Thanx T1 for the info. Brownies has just been deleted from the favorites!!
Is this one any good??
Got to agree with you on all this stuff, got me buggered why someone like him would bite the hand that feeds him - seems stupid in my book - and also seems VERY arrogant - and as I don't like arrogant people - Brownies is now deleted from my favourites menu as well, so no more hits from me. "Bye Bye Brown-eye Bye Bye!!"
Live every day as if it's your last - for one day you're sure to be right!
I have never used Brownie's. Always direct to the BOM even since before I was an AF addict
He who aims at nothing is sure to hit it.
Agree with you T1, I navigate directly to BOM and SeaBreeze, then take a look out the window
I love the www. Its gives us access to so much more than we have ever had in the past. By looking at many different web sites we are able to view our subject matter more laterally. If someone is going to benifit from extra hits, good on them.
I will continue to web surf to as many pages and sites that give me the broadest view I can get. Competition in healthy.
Good on ya Brownie. Your a pioneer.
I found out about this site today , they say it has better modeling software than seabreeze , i don't know about that but it seems pretty informative to me
For surf cams, weather conditions, try
thanx for the tip TI
Here is a new one that does the lot on one site. And the best bit is that once subscribed to 1020 you get the lot on one personalised weather page. BOM forecast, wind, swell, tide, lunar, current conditions and sea temp. Pretty handy