Originally the building i lease was safe from the Nth/Sth Tunnel road works and any resumption of land needed for it, but as from october they have now decided the building i lease is theirs, and under the Acquisition of Land Act the Council can legally take your land and you have no say in the matter.
The owner of the building will get compensation (when is another question), but their not paying the valuled prices to anyone.
Being a tennant they (and very generous of them), have given me till the 30Nov to move.
How the hell can i find another building, get plans drawn up by a hydralics engineer (which i need), get plumbers, electrician etc and have EPA pass everything and be back in operation by the 1st week in December, "One and Buckleys".
So i now have the fight on my hands to try and get some sort of compensation, My business is unsaleable with no building.
The cost to move and re-establish is pretty high, and they wont pay anything till after i move, thats if i can find a suitable building.
The legal battle has begun, but could take months.
So come Nov' it looks like i've lost the business and joined the unemployed.
Bunch of theiving Council P#@$%!
Anyone got a job >