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Thread: has anyone asked where your handle comes from

  1. #1

    has anyone asked where your handle comes from

    i was just signing back on due to a double click on the ""back"" button,, and noticed we have a new member who has joined the club,,,, """ive_got_crabs"""" welcome on board,, i hope it clears soon,,

    and i thought where do the rest of us come up with our handles?????

    some are obvious,,,,,others,,, well lets see how far this goes

    oh by the way,,, mine has nothing to do with the scaly version,,,,it comes from the other """no ears"" variety of the same description
    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  2. #2

    Re: has anyone asked were your handle comes from

    Mind comes from a ficticious character in a number of songs by a favourite band of mine.



  3. #3

    Re: has anyone asked were your handle comes from

    Quote Originally Posted by Maria
    Mind comes from a ficticious character in a number of songs by a favourite band of mine.



  4. #4

    Re: has anyone asked were your handle comes from

    Oh, mine comes from my first name and the first initial of my last name

  5. #5

    Re: has anyone asked were your handle comes from

    Counting Crows

  6. #6

    Re: has anyone asked were your handle comes from

    I work in a freezer on the Gold Coast

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member revs57's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: has anyone asked were your handle comes from

    Mine is a play on my vocation and year of birth 1957

    Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved, Gabriel Marcel

  8. #8

    Re: has anyone asked were your handle comes from

    Mine was given to me by my brothers. One year, all I could catch were carp. It didn't matter what lure or bait I used or where I fished. It seemed like I was under a voodoo curse. I'd yell to them that I hooked a giant bass or walleye or something and it would be a carp. It drove me crazy.

    Unfortunately, when your brothers know something drives you crazy, they immediately attack. They're like sharks when they smell blood in the water. They started laughing and coming up with all sorts of jokes. I was given all sorts of nicknames like, "Chief Dances with Carp", "The Carpinator", "Carpius Maximus", "Carpo Marx", etc.......FINALLY, they came up with, "El Carpo."

    They had a whole routine for it too complete with background story. It was loosely based on the comic book hero Zorro. They would pretend to be poor, helpless villagers begging to be rescued from invading hordes of carp banditos.

    Knowing that resistance is futile, I embraced my new identity!

    Doing my best stereotypical, Antonio Banderas like, heavy fake Spanish accent, I would leap upon the nearest tall rock , hold aloft my fishing rod as if it were a sword and proclaim, "Never fear good people! For eet eez I, El Carpo come to save joo frome deez deespeecible carp bandeetoz! Weeth my trrrusty rrrod and rrreel and my can of corn, I shall drrrrive them back eento the sea!"

    It was stupid, but we had fun.

    Anyway, that's how I became El Carpo.

    P.S. Counting Crows are a great band! [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]
    "When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.-- Mark Twain"

  9. #9

    Re: has anyone asked were your handle comes from

    Captain Zero was an insult used by Paul Keating about John Hewson. I was reading a Keating biography at the time I became a member (it was a good book) and came across it and thought it reflected my fishing ability at the time.



  10. #10

    Re: has anyone asked were your handle comes from

    Mines a hash of my nick name "Spud", with Spanish flair to it. Spud is fairly common


  11. #11

    Re: has anyone asked were your handle comes from

    well my last names Hogan, but Hoges was already taken, and i was up in the Torres Strait at the time i was signing up, so just stuck a TS on the end lol yeah i know, its lame

  12. #12

    Re: has anyone asked were your handle comes from

    First off my boat was going to be called "DDK"
    That being Darren,David and Kyara
    Then i met my better half Kirsten.
    So with not having put a name on the boat yet i could change the name.
    Came up with "2DK"
    Then a certain part of my anatomy got the better of me and we had Blake.Time for a name change
    Hence the name "2DKnB"

    Cheers Dazza

  13. #13

    Re: has anyone asked were your handle comes from

    I named my boat Banshee after the mythical Irish being,a reaper of sorts.

  14. #14

    Re: has anyone asked were your handle comes from

    Quote Originally Posted by hogesTS
    well my last names Hogan, but Hoges was already taken, and i was up in the Torres Strait at the time i was signing up, so just stuck a TS on the end lol yeah i know, its lame

    You're not related to the Hogan's at Wellington Point are you?

    Mines easy - My name, and what I'm crap at!

  15. #15

    Re: has anyone asked were your handle comes from

    well my first name is philip (last i checked)
    my last name is Thomson (last i checked)

    when it was unlucky phil well lets just say im unlucky
    Bring on the Marlin!!!

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