How do you feel when you see the reports and you ain't been able to get out yourself, 'cause your deckie is working or sleeping off?
I'm having major dramas atm with the deckie as she works shifts as a a clinical nurse. She fills in for management and I know she'd do a wonderful job as a Nursing Unit Manager but she loves the "hands on" nursing which is shifts. She's refused several "head hunts" which would result in a Monday to friday 9 till 5 and I keep telling her that she doesn't need to run her arse ragged on a ward all day/night but she refuses to admit that she's getting older or that our lifestyle would be so much better if she could spend the weekends with me and the kids all fishing together
Shifts have their compensation (particularly when you're young) in that at least you get time to yourselves when the kids are at school, but I feel that somehow we're missing out...............Heath's video of his nipper catching, brought this home to me real hard.
She loves her job and I know that the ward would be poorer without her "hands on" approach, especially considering that she is the preceptor for new nurses to the ward, and I know that "quality of life" must also include job satisfation, but when and how do you intimate/prove that fishing is more important than work IYKWIM?
Anyone else with similar problems? How do you cope with them or do you just accept that some things just have to be?? ain't the be all and end all?
kev........just feeling like talking things through, 'cause she's just started 3 night shifts and it seems I've missed a chance to be offshore this weekend.