Yellowtail Kingfish.
Yellowtail Kingfish.
lb 4 lb i'd go the humble whiting too!!!1
Yellowtail Kingfish. Like they say the little guys just luv a scrap. Light tackle on a 3kg Kingy=Gameon.
Why is all the good weather around on weekdays?
I reckon big Red Emporer would have to rate up there as the hardest of the reefies also big Rosie Jobfish, agree with Whiting, Tuna, and GT's but have never caught a Yellowtail Kingfish. Probably have to throw Tarpon and Giant Herr ing in there also !!
Cheers and Merry Christmas,
Hooknose !!!
For brute strength and short term power nothing compares to black bass. They are the biggest, meanest mangrove dwelling fish and would pull most fish backwards without even knowing they were doing it.
Of the tunas dogtooth would have to be the best fighters. They are not only quick but don't mind resorting to the odd dirty tactic given the chance.
As far as a fish that goes crazy once it gets inside the boat cobia has to win. When they come in green they can destroy a boat when they go crazy.
Officially clocked at 110kph the sail fish can strip 100m of your line off inside 3 seconds. You wouldn't wanna put any flamable liquid next to your drag if you hooked one of these babies.
After that I'd say Wahoo followed closely by Tarpon..Tarpon are an insanely fast moving fish..I rekon they go harder than any species of mackeral or tuna.
Hard to pick just one fish, so I'm going to select a few.
Top of my list would be a GT, my best GT so far was a bit over 18kg, unbelievably strong fish kg for kg.
Bone fish. I think if those things grow to double figures they would be unstoppable.
Cobia, Kings and Jacks.
Freshwater - Australian Bass.
Sorry to those who picked spaniards & wahoo, .... I think they're easy............ sorry
cheers roz
your right roz spaniards a one run fish....... too easy
Hard to say, having caught the fish on different weight lines and set ups. For me the best fighting fish I've had have been the diamond trev I got, the big GTs and a rat king I hooked once. They all burn up a drag pretty damn well. Must agree though, the old y-ting is a fantastic fight. If they got up to a bigger size you could have some real fun.
Fishing for the thrill, not for the kill
IMHO I think most fish fight the same. It all depends on the line class.
A big trev on heavy line wont be the same as if it was caught on light line.
But yellow kingies get my vote.
signed tunaman
.....Anything on the end of the hook when you have a birds nest or similar mishap at the working end of the outfit.
> >
I haven't seen amberjack mentioned - cousin of the kingie. Just like a submarine - Dive, Dive, Dive.
Best unstoppable would have to be a 17' glass runabout, going at about 30 Knots, that ran over my trolled lure about 25 Metres behind the boat.
I would have to say the cobia for offshore, but off the beach nothing beats a big dart holding itself sideways in the waves. They don't weigh in much but boy they know how to fight
Merry xmas
my biggest yet...COBIA,definantly a great fighting fish,
i also here that black marlin fight pound 4 pound,kilo 4 kilo,
100 KG 4 100KG
You can have your cobes, kingies or big pelagics, hook up to a 8kg or bigger Blackspot and you have your work cut out.
i am with you black rat chinaman followed by kingie