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Thread: Stolen fishing gear

  1. #16

    Re: Stolen fishing gear

    Brent, you certainly had a damn lot of stuff stolen and some bloody good gear to by the look of your list >. I am truly sorry for you. I just can't help but wondering if the thieves know you?. I mean, it's not everybody that has that amount of fishing rods etc in their house. Makes me sort of think that they may have known it was there. Just a thought.
    Hope it comes back to you or at least the insurers look after you.



  2. #17

    Re: Stolen fishing gear

    Fu$#@^ng Thieving C%&ts eh?
    I have had sheet loads of stuff nicked over the years and it really sours your outlook on humans.

    Just as a thought though mate, also try looking on ebay for your gear. Ya just never know.

    NEWBY T.G.

  3. #18

    Re: Stolen fishing gear

    Guys the only way we can stop this scum of the earth is to turn our homes into a prison but why should we be the ones locked in.
    Neil sorry to hear you had the same misfortune.....stealing from kids money boxes just shows how desperate these people are!!!
    I think DC (Dane) is correct "its all for drug money"
    My advice to all out there in AUSFISH LAND is lock up as best you can and keep items hidden from public view.
    Cheers Brent

  4. #19

    Re: Stolen fishing gear

    Bummer guys sorry to hear that
    Couldn't think of much worse.
    Low life scum that steal from good people that work to get what they have.

  5. #20
    Ausfish Platinum Member Angla's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Re: Stolen fishing gear

    I've felt the pain of losing gear and then the anguish of if they will be back for more.
    Keep everything out of site, behind the gate, with a big angry dog patrolling. My Cocker spaniel is great. He would bark at anyone walking past and has nipped a couple of friends even. (hidden mean streak) He is the most loving teddy bear if you see him, but............
    I will defend my property and family against these Pri*ks if I catch them


    PS hope insurance covers it or they find the theives with the goods
    PSS Don't just leave it to the police. You have to be active in wanting to find this gear

  6. #21

    Re: Stolen fishing gear

    Sorry to here about it brent . What area/suburbs should we be looking in, i aslo have some alveys and rods to keep you going . Cheers Adrian

  7. #22

    Re: Stolen fishing gear

    Thanks for the kind offer mate but some mates have already said i can borrow some of there gear until my insurance claim goes through.
    Area's most likely could be any pornbroker or second hand shop around Brisbane south side......Mate it will be like trying to find a needle in a hay stack............Sunday markets may be a place to sell the stuff also. 90% of the reels were spooled up with fireline pink or smoke green.
    Cheers Brent.

  8. #23
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Re: Stolen fishing gear

    Sorry to hear mate,
    it's bad enough they took your gear,
    but the invasion of privacy keeps you wondering even after the event, the thought that someones been in your home sucks.
    keep your chin up.... with a bit of luck they will O.D. on the drug money and do us all a favour.
    regards darren

  9. #24
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Re: Stolen fishing gear

    2/5 breakins that have happened to me have been known to be drug related. I actually was in one cash converter store (when trying to retrieve/reclaim my bike; see earlier post) when a guy in front of me was turning in a CD player (with CD in it) - he turned around to his girl behind him and said "I don't want you doing drugs and that's why I''m selling this now". It was audiable to me and the sales person. That cash converter sales person still took the CD player!!!

    Brent keep scouring - though it's lucky you're insured. Hope you get the sucker(s), before he/she does another, and justice can be done.

  10. #25
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Re: Stolen fishing gear

    Sorry to here mate
    There really is some bastards out there

  11. #26

    Re: Stolen fishing gear

    Sorry to hear Brent my house was done over about 8 mths ago in the same street.Took all of the wifes jewellry and the young boys dvd player and all of his dvd's. I can't believe they can be so brazen when you have 3 police officers who live in the same stree. As far as the second hand shops are concerned, i used to work for cashies and it is great to give them a copy of the list. but also have a look around their shops.But leave it for 7 days as this is how long they have to hold buys for. if the thief got a loan against them this can take up to 3-4 months before they appear on the shop floor. I hope all goes well for you and you get back the majority through insurance.


  12. #27

    Re: Stolen fishing gear

    Hi Brendon......Yeah mate its unbelieveable that these people are roaming the streets checking out where and what they can steal next.
    Nothing is safe these days so i hope you have a lock on that boat trailer mate.
    Our foreman at work had his boat stolen a few weeks ago and the police found it at the Gold Coast minus a few things and with a damaged motor leg.
    Cheers Brent

  13. #28

    Re: Stolen fishing gear

    Gday Brent,
    Just back from a work hitch and read this post. For somebody who enjoys their fishing as much as you obviously do this must be a real kick in the guts. My sympathies! A drooling, savage to strangers rottweiler is the best security you can get in my books. I have 2 of em.
    Cheers and hope items are returned, Dezzer

  14. #29

    Re: Stolen fishing gear

    Thats no good ... yes i do have a lock on it but i may look into something else to lessen the risk.

  15. #30

    Re: Stolen fishing gear

    That sux mate, hope you get reimbursed.
    good luck.

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