Spent the weekend up Hervey Bay way and decided to place a few pots in the Susan river on Saturday and collect them Sunday morning.... set the pots Saturday lunch time, went for a fish over off the ledges on fraser (caught a few cod, sweetlip and moses perch) and headed home. Decided to check the pots before taking the boat out of the water. All was fine at this stage and caught 3 females which were subsequently released and reset the pots.
Sunday morning - go and check the pots bright and early. First pot was not in the same location as I left it and though it could have been the tide, however nothing in it. Second pot, around the same location no crabs and low and behold the bait (stored in gutter guard mesh, zipped tied onto the pot) was gone - very strange. Third pot, same story, so then starting to get a little frustrated... picked up the forth pot to discover that the theiving pricks were too lazy to even close the pot back up [smiley=angry.gif]
Makes it very annoying when you go to the trouble of setting the pots and coming back the next day to discover some scum bag has reaped the benefits of your hard work...