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Thread: Any body lost an old patrol?

  1. #1

    Any body lost an old patrol?

    Was doing a bit of exploring in some local bushland and came across a very early model patrol that has recently been half burnt out and was wondering if any body knows anyone who has had one stolen recently. It looks like it was quite well looked after till it copped its latest treatment, you dont see many like them around anymore except the old fisho's who still drive em. I expect the owner would be real cut up about losing such a vehicle. It is located in the logan area and the reason I haven't let the police know about it is I probably shouldn't have been where I was.

  2. #2

    Re: Any body lost an old patrol?

    you could make an anonymous call, or say you heard a rumour. would probably be the quickest way to get it sorted

  3. #3

    Re: Any body lost an old patrol?

    Don't know if much would get sorted anyway but I guess someone out there would like to know where their pride and joy ended up. The biggest shame in my opinion is that as a past owner of a classic car I know that these vehicles dont survive this long in this condition without somebody caring a great deal about them.

  4. #4

    Re: Any body lost an old patrol?

    do you know the model (MQ, GQ or older). Where exactly was it? What colour is/was it? a brief description would be good. PM me if you like, I think I know where you were when you found it...but just want to make sure...OH...I am not a cop, so dont fear!

    Give me some more details as I am a member of quite a few 4wd forums, maybe we can help the person who had it knocked off put some closure on this very sad event

  5. #5

    Re: Any body lost an old patrol?

    Older than mq, it was model that looked like the old landies, was fitted with a white canopy on the back and had what looked to be a holden blue motor under the bonnet. vehicle could have been green or black or a combination of the two.

  6. #6

    Re: Any body lost an old patrol?


    Don't suppose you noticed if it had double or triple windscreen wipers?


    nil carborundum illegitimi

  7. #7

    Re: Any body lost an old patrol?

    Sorry mate, I didn't notice but if you really want to know I can check, I go near there fairly often.

  8. #8

    Re: Any body lost an old patrol?

    Give Crimestoppers a call. You can remain annonymous.


  9. #9

    Re: Any body lost an old patrol?

    could be an insurance jobby..

  10. #10

    Re: Any body lost an old patrol?

    what would you gain on doing an insurance job on a old patrol

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