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Thread: Missing Hitch Pin

  1. #1

    Missing Hitch Pin

    Was looking at the tow bar the other day and thought it looked a bit strange. The hitch pin was missing, some theiving person had removed it and either wanted the tow bar or was it just a vandal thinking it would be fun to have some poor jockey load up his boat only to lose it on the road as the rig separates due to a missing hitch pin. As I'm a lazy son of a b!tch I bought one of those lockable ones as the auto store didn't sell the ordinary type of hitch pin.

    One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce and canonized those who complain.
    Thomas Sowell

  2. #2

    Re: Missing Hitch Pin

    Yeah, I always use the locking pin, got mine from Ausfish IIRC. Another reason is that the hitch is an expensive little pressie to replace too.
    Lucky you didn't hook the boat up and take off, could've made for an interesting day.
    Not sure how many people actually check their safety chains to see if the trailer will hit the ground before the chains take up.


  3. #3

    Re: Missing Hitch Pin

    I've got a lockable one too. I originally bought it as part of a set with the cheapo trailer lock when I had the tinnie.

    Does anyone know their rating? - I've since been using it with the newer, heavier boat. In fact I'm pretty sure I've lost at least one of the keys. Is always been in the back of my mind that it's not rated high enough, but so far there's never been a problem (fingers crossed).

    Good luck,

  4. #4

    Re: Missing Hitch Pin

    i had the same thing happen to me a while ago

    i picked up a second hand one from a carboot sale for $25 and then went to supa cheap and got a locking pin

    havent lost any keys yet

    not sure of the weight rating i might have to check that


  5. #5

    Re: Missing Hitch Pin

    Mike, the label on mine says 3500kg and I put 1 key straight into the glovebox, forget where I put the other now will have to go hunting for it - how was Bagara?

    Scotty, was a little more fortunate - Supa sell the locking pin fopr $25 but on Saturday they had a 20% off sale so was a little comforted.

    Corry, have now added this little item to my check list as the boss will not let me live down the time the boat came off the hitch and destroyed the rear qtr window.


    One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce and canonized those who complain.
    Thomas Sowell

  6. #6

    Re: Missing Hitch Pin

    Quote Originally Posted by Dignity
    Mike, the label on mine says 3500kg and I put 1 key straight into the glovebox, forget where I put the other now will have to go hunting for it - how was Bagara?
    Thanks mate. It sounds like you've got the same one as me, so 3.5 should be heaps. I might have a look in the glovebox, worth a try I suppose

    Bargara was a lovely wee place. Only got to wet a line for about 20 mins (impatient 6yo), but they weren't particularly good conditions, with a brisk SE'ly in our faces and (comparitively) big surf that was a bit too dangerous for the little bloke if I wasn't keeping more of an eye on him than the rod tip.

    Good luck,

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