Not Much as far as I'm concerned as I had my car stolen from the boat ramp while out to sea the other day, looked up some interesting info and came across this site
Check it out:
Not Much as far as I'm concerned as I had my car stolen from the boat ramp while out to sea the other day, looked up some interesting info and came across this site
Check it out:
Sorry to hear that hsvgun,
These people r indeed a waste of space cuzza and i were down at deep water bend ramp one night pulled up at the ramp to find a couple that this had happened to they did leave their trailer so we hooked it up to our vehicle and pulled their boat out for them and waited with the guys wife to make sure she was ok till the bloke went home to get another car to get it home luckly enough they had one to do so. only thing was his stolen ute wasn't insured. So unfortunate that we have to insure our property against theft whats this world coming to full of greed what happened to that good old aussie spirit very few people live by it anymore what a loss to australian society. So i guess im saying if u can afford to insure your vehicles against theft then do cause those honest aussies of yesteryear r very few and far between.
nothing infuriates me more than theft, working hard earning money buying possessions to have some mug come and take it....
HSV Gun, the police can't be everywhere at once mate. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure in this case. Secure vehicle, install kill switch, don't leave any valuables visible, install a car alarm and above all, keep the insurance up to it![]()
Perhaps it won't be too long before more boat ramps are operated by private enterprise.Then, for a reasonable annual membership you may feel safe being able to leave both trailer and vehicle secure in a boom gated compound. To enter swipe your card and to exit swipe again, a fixed camera will capture peoples comings and goings.
The monies raised will return a profit to the operator with hopefully enough left over for improvements and better amenities. Insurance companies could get on board and subsidise premiums if you utilise these type of facilities.
These must be operating already around the place ?
Regards Cameron.
Had an uncle many years ago, had an old holden he used to tow his boat, so if it went, he would not be out of pocket to much.
When it eventually did get pinched from Victoria point, my old man waited until 26 days had gone by (28 days before insurance would pay out in those days), and got a mate to ring up and pretend to be the Perth police, and tell him they had his car, and when would he like to come and pick it up!
Boy was he P#ssed off, but not as much as when the cheque arrived from the insurance company a week later and the old man owned up!
Seriously though it is to expensive to keep an old bomb registered just for boating these days. You have either got to pick a good ramp, or find somewhere to store your car and trailer away from the ramp (IE get the missus to run it home then bring it back when you come back in)
I would like to see the water police doing regular pop in patrols of the car parks at boat ramps of a night time.
If the grubs who steal from these locations saw police regularily pop in they might decide to give it a miss.
Some very valid points writen here guys ,during the peak of the prawn season I had a whinge to the local constaburly about the amount of vehicles parked in the rigging zone at dwb ,which was a complete pain in the A#rse to try and rig and unrig my tinnie ,a few days later when I went back not 1 car parked there ,yippie, they were doing somthing about it 4 weeks later and there all back there again so in my view Id have to agree with HSVGUN not much. Since then I've made a new friend who is a copper and he said just keep ringing and complaining as its all logged down so they can keep track of where all the dramas are happening.So my advice is ring and whinge and whinge and whinge the reason this was sugested is because the amount of staff they have is'nt enough to cope with demand the goverment wont put on more staff unless its a problem .So if they have enough complaints they can show the figures to the number crunchers and make a decision to employ more staff .Cheers Snas
Live life like a dog,If you cant eat it or hump it ,
pee on it and walk away.
Unfortunately leaving your boat at the ramp overnight whilst out fishing gives low lives an opportunity to your vechile and trailer, unless there are greater penalties for the culprits it is hard to see it stopping. So we just spend more on trying to prevent our hard earned gear from being stolen. Secure parking is an option but just another cost added to our lesiure time, more action is required to catch and penalise the offenders.