stolen on the 12th of july from wynnum north rd savage centurion 1/4 cabin 4.8m reg MK075Q it has a 90hp yamaha on it
stolen on the 12th of july from wynnum north rd savage centurion 1/4 cabin 4.8m reg MK075Q it has a 90hp yamaha on it
Will keep a look out on the darling downs mate, Bloody theiving mongrels >Hope you get her back soon
Tight lines <*)(((((((((><
Am on the road a bit will keep my eyes out mate. And your first post to be this one is not a good start to our forum. Welcome to us Ausfisher's mate will try and help in any way to catch these crooks. >![]()
Can I ask what security measures you had taken to secure it?
Sorry to hear. I have the same boat so they always stand out to me. Do you have a pic of it for us to see with colours, bimini etc. I will keep an eye out around the northern NSW. I am on the road alot so you never know. Fingers crossed.
Eat well, drink in moderation, exercise often and yet you still die anyway!![]()
I'm a Wynnum local.....whack a pic up here so we can see what it looks like, or go into a bit of a description.....
Whatever happened to " respect others and their property " . Sorry to hear youv'e lost your hard earned pride & joy. As mentioned above a pic would be helpfull if possible. Bastards!
saftey measures taken 16mm chain that went around a big tree then around the axell on the trailer also a lock on draw bar, the barstards broke into my shed got my nine inch grinder pluged into power point located in the shed and cut the chain and the lock on the draw bar. also taking the power tools.
sorry guys cant seem to get a photo up. the boat is a savage centurion 1/4 cabin 90 hp yamaha on the back. white hole marone stripe on the gun rails maroon bimini open front window upolstry is moroon and light grey bait board over the back on the transin. 27 meg radio all wiring in it for a lowrance lms 337 gps arial on the dash. arial for 27meg is on the port side
Will keep eye out for ya mate round n/side ramps etc
Saw the write up in the Wynnum Herald.....
...I'll keep an eye out.
thank you for all your support throught my ordeal. the boat was recovered on the 22/07/06 in woodridge. was completly striped out motor stering fuel tank gages even the anchour and the rope. only have the hull and the trailer. police have suspects in questioning.
they should be stoned
they probably wereOriginally Posted by Gold can
I agree with Gold can - lets stone them.
No on second thoughts lets get all the Ausfishers together in a line and make them run past us whilst we throw huge snapper lead sinkers at them. Teach them to steal from anyone let alone Ausfishers. >