After reading all the posts on crab pot loss I thought I would let you all know what we use to do in the NT. Made our own disposal crab post out of chook wire. Just made a cylinder out of the wire about two feet diameter and folded the ends inwards. Then used some strong green cord and used milk bottles as floats. Never lossed a pot except when it got snagged. Lost a few crabs though. But the look on a thiefs face when he saw just the netting is one of dissapointment. Over heard a couple of blokes in the Berrimah pub about lifting other blokes post and they were really pi$%ed off. Very cheap and also very easy to stow in your boat. Bit hard to explain to a fishing inspector what the wire was for but anything is explainable if you have a good story, (keeping the pigs out of your camp, etc) Catch ya, Jungles