The water police have contacted me and are trying to track down the owner.If that fails i will own the net boat apparently..As stated previously it hasn't been a commercial fishing vessel in 4 years, also the boat is STOLEN, not put in the mangroves for later use. The fuel was salt water , the boat was full of fresh water, the engine bolts were seized on also.
The boat is built well and other than stains from fresh water inside it's in bloody good nick. I will have no hesitation in keeping it after 3 months and after tomorrow it will be in my yard as the water police want me to grab it and hold onto it till the owner can or cannot be found.
If he isn't found it will make a great first boat for my young bloke. And lets hope people have the maturity to see this style of boat and realise that these style boats arn't just used for commercial fishing. Infact one of the best fishing boat i had was a glass over ply dory shaped vessel that i spent day after day offshore in.