Got back from Fiji on Wednesday and compiled this photo video from some of the pics we took. Hope you enjoy it.
Got back from Fiji on Wednesday and compiled this photo video from some of the pics we took. Hope you enjoy it.
This one is of a day on the water with Eileen catching her first Walu
Quite glassy condition out there...Congrat to Eileen for a good job
Actually tried to go out with John Francis but couldn't get hold of him so rang Lofa. Turned up on the day and John was skippering. John is a great guy and tries hard, if anyone wants to contact him you can ring him on 9961544 in Fiji. Just tell him Steve from Ausfish sent you.
Great video mate
Tight lines <*)(((((((((><
Good video mate you done well cant wait to see your other videos
Great vids steve i going there in dec where did you stay cheers
Stayed at Anchorage resort, John will pick you up from the jetty there, best option.
Steve Brown
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