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Thread: Fly Casting Day 4/11/01 @ 13:00 hrs. Gold Coast

  1. #1

    Fly Casting Day 4/11/01 @ 13:00 hrs. Gold Coast

    Southeast Queensland Flyfishing Club is conducting a fly casting day on the 4/11/01 at 1:30 PM in Pizzey Park near Mermaid Beach/ Miami.

    Master fly caster John Foy will be there to correct techniques and provide advice.

    If you are interested to join the Southeast Queensland Flyfishing Club, just roll in and sign up on the spot.

  2. #2

    Re: Fly Casting Day 4/11/01 @ 13:00 hrs. Gold Coas

    mate what part of the coast is this park? some of us northen fellas are a bit slow you know
    also any contact names and phone numbers for people intrested in joining the Fly Club?

  3. #3

    Re: Fly Casting Day 4/11/01 @ 13:00 hrs. Gold Coas


    Southeast Queensland Fly Fishers meet every third Wednesday of the Month at Mermaid Bowls Club at Markeri st. Mermaid Beach. Meeting starts at 1900 hrs. The next meeting will be on 21st November.

    Everyone is welcome to the meeting with or without membership. Membership cost only $20/year.

    Fishing trips are organised monthly, this month's trip is to Ebor, NSW to catch trout.

    Any enquiries please call Jon (Treasurer) on 07 55348373.

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