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Thread: Flashy Profile troubles

  1. #1

    Flashy Profile troubles

    This pattern is proving to be my nemisis. I've never given it much thought until recently and the first few attempts are just yucky

    The instructions I've found on the net lack the info I need. Where do you start tying from? Behind the eye going backward or from mid shank going forward toward the eye. Do you tie the material clumps infront or on top of each other - is that dependant on the profile you want. The flies I've seen have long tapering heads. How is this acheived? I figure it must have something to do with the order and position in which the material is tied in.

    Has anybody ever tried this with kinky fibre or is it definately an ultra/supreme hair pattern?

    Kno of any really good instructions on the web?

    Can you help, please?


  2. #2

    Re: Flashy Profile troubles


    Try this site (Bill and Kate Howe, designers of the FPF).

    This is reprinted from a Fishing World article.

    If your flies are thin, build up the profile, by tying the material on top of the previous.

    I tie FPF on a tube for billfish. Easy to change tandom hook setup and close the gape of the hooks.

    For smaller flies 4-6 inches I tie the ALF. My ALF is basically streamer hair tied on top of the hook. The hook is fully exposed and you get the full use to the gape.

    Lay down some thread on the hook. Cut material twice as long as the fly. Tie the streamer hair in the middle about half way down the hook. Bend the material pointing toward the eye back. Tie it down. Use about a little less matchstick width of material.

    Tie more material toward the eye. Build up the profile. Whip finish. Apply 1st coat of epoxy. Add eyes when epoxy still a bit sticky. Press the epoxy to flatten it and give a better profile. Apply several more coats of epoxy.

    Throw at an angery fish.


  3. #3

    Re: Flashy Profile troubles


    Tube flies DONT close the gape of the hook. The hooks sit further back in the fly.

  4. #4

    Re: Flashy Profile troubles

    Try things like that, on a tube, Cam Sigler system, looks like hell in the water. Max

  5. #5

    Re: Flashy Profile troubles

    For the popper types, a Flexo Popper body. Easy to produce, very light and nees fixing with Softex. No tail on this, just an experiment. Max

  6. #6

    Re: Flashy Profile troubles

    Quote Originally Posted by Wesley_Pang

    Tie more material toward the eye. Build up the profile.

    This is the part where I think I go wrong. Do you at any point reach the eye and then tie in more material on top of previous tie ins as you move back towrd the bend? Or is the profile built up in a forward direction only? I take it, in this case, that the thread is bound backwards over all the material to get that bullet head.

    Sorry to sound so thick. If I could just watch some one tie one once, I'd have it sorted.


  7. #7

    Re: Flashy Profile troubles

    Good evening Martin,
    I can understand your problem, a number of people have had the very same problem

    If you care to phone me on 07 55 740 047 or email directly, at,, I will run your through the building of the fly.
    Kind regards
    Barry Ryan

  8. #8

    Re: Flashy Profile troubles

    Martin, Its built up Layer, apon layer upon layer,ect from the back to the eye. The finnal bit is a coating of Silicon or epoxy or whatever you prefer over the head, THAT is what makes the shape.......You prob already knew this but I think this is whats gettin ya. Read that Fisho artical by the Howes for the best materials. MattQ

  9. #9

    Re: Flashy Profile troubles

    Thats a Flexo spreader for FPF's, you might try that, it saves material.

  10. #10

    Re: Flashy Profile troubles

    Max, some good ideas with the flexo. Popper is #a novel idea. Have to take a puncture repair kit for it?#


  11. #11

    Re: Flashy Profile troubles

    Like this max...

    tis a bomber that is gold...

  12. #12

    Re: Flashy Profile troubles

    Muzzy i bet that gold fly has been down a few barra's mouths by now.
    Don't they just love those "fatties"..
    More flexo-spreader flies..

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