Ausfish Silver Member
carp fly
have been catching carp on lures in the shallows of Burrandong dam .The epoxy on the fly rod is drying at the moment.Any suggestions on what flies to make?.colour/size.the rod is 9/10 wt tomthumb.the water is 1-7 ft deep.
regards george.
Ausfish Gold Member
Re: carp fly
Id suggest smallish cricket/insct imatations. obviously wets for the bottom feeders. Maybe something like a clouser or crazy charlie also. Where is the dam amyway.
Ausfish Silver Member
Re: carp fly
Thanks mick
the dam is in nsw 70 kms from dubbo.Holds 6 times the amount of water as sydney harbour when it's full. Appro 30 % at the moment.going chasing some fish in the morning befor work at 5 pm.
cheers george.
Ausfish Silver Member
Re: carp fly
G'day George.
Wooly Bugger, Wiggle Worm and larger than normal nymphs including Tom Jones have done well for me in Vic and southern NSW (Mulwala).
Their eyesight is pretty useless and they can be fairly spooky so you need to anticipate their movements and as they get to within about 20cm of the fly (depending on water clarity) give it a twitch or lift it off the bottom and they'll dive on it.
Good luck!
Cheers, Slates
PS: sometimes early in the am you can jag a couple on dry flies - just about anything.
Ausfish Silver Member
Re: carp fly
Thanks guys.
happy christmas.
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