PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant VBA_SCRIPT - assumed 'VBA_SCRIPT' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ..../includes/functions_navigation.php(802) : eval()'d code on line 1 BRIBIE FLY REPORT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY
Hi all,
Went looking for some longtails on friday but had to travel alot of miles to find them. I left Moolooaba harbour travled to Coolum then back to Moolooaba then down to Bribie Is where i finally found them in good numbers. The water was so clear that i was able to sight cast to them as sipped the bait off the surface.It was a great day as i ended up with 5 longtails. But on Saturday Quinny69 and i left spinniker sound to get amongst them it was a different story as the water was dirty from the n/e wind which made it difficult for the tuna to school up the bait and see our fly's.But Quinny soon had the answer with a flashy profile which saw a 10-12kg longtail come aboard, Quinny's first for the year.Thanks for a great day's fishing Quinny.
Whats this 10-12kg Steve ???, Yesterday it was a straight 12. Ive already bragged to someone .. Gezz.I really thaught 14kg too. Thanks for a great day, anytime ya need a decky, Ill be there. MQ
Hi Quinny,
Thought that might stirr you up a bit !!!!!
Yes it was a big winter longtail more towards 12-13 kg. The photo's will tell the story when i get them developed.What was that quote "IT's only a good tailor" Till you lost 150 m of backing
ended up with none. Thre was no fish to the north of where I last saw you so we headed to Currimundi and jigged a few SPs for a bit of rubbish. Wind was up by then so we didn't stay long.
Hi Duckbill,
No worries, Soon as i get my boat back i'll pm you for a time.You might have to fight Quinny for a spot though
DazB yes they didn't want to play the game for sure. The seemed to come on better in the afternoon i probally should have stayed longer. But thats tuna fishing as they say !
Duck bill,,,, Id like to go out with flytime again soon,I wanna give a new Tuff BIG flyreel a test,and hes a great boat driver "dont cast yet,QUINNY >, hold ya fire" ,,,,so looks like we gotta have a scap ducky boy [smiley=argue.gif],,,, YOU ME CARPARK NOW...... Just jokes,lol, Steve spends alot of time on the water and it shows, Im sure he can fit us both in sometime, (pleeeeeeese Steve) . Cheers Steve for breaking my season "duck" , great day great company. Quinny .
Anyone go out this weekend, Any Longys to be seen/ hooked/ landed?? Give us the details. MQ
Quinny, went out with 2 guys from work on the "toad tub", and saw a few longys out there, big ones - 15kg jobs... I had about half a dozen good casts at them, and I even had what seemed like 2 following, but no luck. There seemed to be 2 schools about, maybe 6-10 fish per school, but no birds, very little surface activity and then they just disappeared at 13:00. We stuck around a bit then headed back, for the "toad tub" was out of juice!!!
There were 2 other boats out there but I don't think they had any more luck than we did...
Hope to get out there again soon... Still have to test my new 9 weight on them... Come on Steve, my turn now!!!
P.S.: The infamous "toad tub" is an antique 16' Haines Hunter...
Nice work mabo, did they just "Turn On" and start feeding?? What flies did ya use?. DuckBill, I know how ya feel,But those fishless trips ya still learn a thing or 2 (thank god, I have heaps), esesially when you can see the fish and there reaction to ya fly, addictive stuff, but bloody frustrating.
Wes/Justin, any luck? Did yas go out?
hi quinny, wes had just left, we were haveing a chat and he went north then a school poped up a little south of us no they were hard work, the gummy does the work on the tuna the last one we got was up at the last lagoon ,again after we said good buy to wes he had been way north with no luck and was coming the new boat this week so will get you out when it all comes together.
Did you get them where we saw you? How big? On the surface or with a sinking line? And any chance that I could come along one of these days? The toad tub isn't the best of vessels, and guzzles like crazy - 140 Evinrude and small tanks