does anyone have 1 of these and are they any good.
425b reel .
they look like a heavy duty reel for salt water bitties.
Cheers Cloud 9
does anyone have 1 of these and are they any good.
425b reel .
they look like a heavy duty reel for salt water bitties.
Cheers Cloud 9
then it realy gets ughly
Line size 15 and upwards fer them , think you still have to turn them to cast dont ya.....
I use an ALvEY on a #10-12 sometimes (Its a sparey now), there good on drag and hold a heep of backing. It does like to grab loose line around its many bits n bobs,and when on big fish the drag knob takes alot of skin off your knuckles, but its not gona break. Quinny
Suggest you use the 425B as you can hold the handle and allow the fish to take line as the handle is on a handle plate instead of on the spool.Originally Posted by Quinny69
* Light weight graphite construction with vented spool and back
* Incredibly smooth adjustable multi-plate clutch system
* On/Off switch to disengage ant-reverse
* Separate handle plate for ultimate control
* Ratchet to control line stripping when anti-reverse is disengaged
* Holds 500 yards of 50lb Bionic Braid backing plus 120' floating fly line
* Strong metal foot
* Stainless steel line guide
* 100mm (4") spool diameter
* Suited to 10WT+ fly rods
i won this thing at a fishing comp
quinnie69 you must be useing side cast reel you dill.
as the pics about show handle stays still when spool is letting line out on drag.
its like a black fish reel, but any way im trying to sell or swap the thing it in forsale section.
Cheers Cloud 9
then it realy gets ughly
Alvey makes 2 fly reels.. a fixed handle reel (425) which is the norm for flyreels and a antireverse model (425b)
both are ok.. but are very heavy, being graphite construction, they are solid.. only usefull on rods where ya only going to cast 2 or 3 times.. and not all day, otherwise ur wrist will be in agony trying to control the weight being thrown around
zeeke what do they use on the big salt fishies ??
shorly big fish need bigger reels and big reels are usualy heavier than the traditional trout type reels?
Cheers Cloud 9
then it realy gets ughly
Dont worry about the alvey getting out gunned, Itll handle anyfish around here. As for weight, there not that heavy compared with other 10+wght reels, The anti-reverse has a couple more Oz than the direct drive,but is fine for all day use on a #12rod. MQ
SORRY ,WRONG PIC. this 1 you can see the reel.
Try hucking with a Penn 4g all day!Originally Posted by Zeeke
425B & 425BEOriginally Posted by Zeeke
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