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Anyone have hervey bay artickles? - Page 2
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Thread: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?

  1. #16
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?

    Hi Alex ,

    As mentioned the guide I would be useing up there is Paul Dolan have been out with him on numerous occassions and he has always gone above and beyond the call of duty to not only find fish but get you onto them a genius when it comes to Goldens in the bay.



  2. #17

    Re: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?

    Listen here Dazz You need to learn how to read something without looking for a clause, what are you my wife. I was talking i a genralised manner don't question something you can't understand, this is was a question about Hervey Bay, and i showed surrport in a friend of mine GROW UP. You obviously don't have many friends. PS I have quite a few guide friends and yes they all have the same goal but even the other guides say that same thing about paul. > > >

  3. #18

    Re: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?

    Hi crazy charlie, Jack.D from Hervey Bay. I'm a mad keen fly fisher and have been here for about 2 years now. Top place. Give me a PM and I will make contact with you. Cheers Jack.D

  4. #19
    Ausfish Platinum Member TonyM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Re: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?

    You can't go past Paul Dolan. [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]

    The bloke knows the area like the back of his hand and can put you onto the Goldens no probs, if you get sick of the Goldens (would take a while) Paul is also a gun at Tuna, Barra, Bass etc.

    I've been out with Paul chasing Barra and he put me onto my first impoundment Barra (in the middle of winter) even though I was an absolute rank amateur at lure chucking, and also chasing Tuna. Both times I gained an absolute wealth of information that has enabled me to target these species with success regularly and improved my fishing style immensley.

    I plan to have my first shot at fly fishing soon and I'll be relying on Pauls expertise to make the learning curve a lot easier
    Can't recommend this bloke highly enough.

  5. #20
    Ausfish Platinum Member TonyM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Re: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?

    Forgot to mention - I know E.T always has a silly grin on his face (who wouldn't with his job), although I reckon he had the biggest grin ever when he spent a few days in the bay earlier this year fishing with Paul

  6. #21

    Re: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?

    Great stuff guys!

    Another one... do they get many Queenfish in Hervy bay? I'd like to get one of those aswell And do they come up on the flats so you can spot them?

    Thanks for all the posts!


  7. #22
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?

    Yeah Alex Queenies also about in the bay and they do get a bit of size about them.



  8. #23

    Re: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?

    yep, plenty of queenies along west side of fraser. saw them swim under jetty at kingfisher in 3ft of water. they were big suckers. again, paul is the way to go.

  9. #24

    Re: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?

    Hi Folks!

    Looks like I'm making an Australian of my self!

    I have been offered a long term job in Hervey Bay, so chances are that I will go fishing

    And what bether place to move, I wonder???? Think I have all I need up there in Hervey Bay...

    Thank you for all the inputs!

    Best regards


  10. #25
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Re: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?

    Hey Alex,

    I have not had the opportunity to fish with Paul, but have heard good reports.

    I have however fish as a client with Nat, and could not reccomend him highly enough. At the end of the day make your own decision on who to fish and spend your money with. It is utter stupidity to assume that there is only one guide worth fishing with.

    For what is worth, my next guided trip will be a return one with Nat. Would like the opportunity to fish with Paul in the future, as I said I heard good reports.

    Good luck mate


  11. #26

    Re: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?

    only one guide to use on the salt and fresh, paul dolan kicks ass.

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